
Publisert 29. mai 2006 14:13

Exam schedule is now posted. There is a link from the course main page, as well as link from What is new. Room is Styreromet. Good luck.

Publisert 8. mai 2006 16:49

Se What is new websiden deres.

Publisert 3. mai 2006 14:29

Vi skal ha v?res f?rste timen p? fredag med Prof. Johannes Brinkman. Han skal snakke om etikk, teknologi og ?konomi. Vi forsetter med The Corporation filmen og diskusjon.

Publisert 28. apr. 2006 12:07

Idag er det en gjesteforeleser som kommer og snakker om kloning og genmanipulering. H?per at alle kan v?re med.

Publisert 23. mars 2006 13:15

Projects are due on April 21. I am in Finland at a conference that day and we will not have regular class meeting. Submitt your projects via email please.

Publisert 22. mars 2006 15:43

Remember that week 12 is a project week and you should be working with your essays. We do not have ordinary class meeting this week.

Publisert 14. feb. 2006 14:04
Publisert 17. jan. 2006 13:24

MERK! F?rste forelesning i dette emnet holdes 27. januar.

Note that the first lession is held on January 27th.