See the Undervisningplan for the reading material for 1 of April.
We decided to conduct the reading of the two articles in the following way:
1) Half of the class reads: "Using/Designing Digital technologies of Representation in Aboriginal Australian Knowledge practices"
and the other half: "Designing Digital Knowledge Management Tools with Aboriginal Australians"
2) you present the paper and the core arguments for the other group
You who did not show up today (25 March) please read both articles.
See the Undervisningplan for the reading material for 25 March.
4 Mars: You had an assignment to the lecture 4 March 1) to re-read Star, Susan Leigh: Power, Technology and the Phenomenology of Conventions: On Being Allergic to Onions 2) to bring with you one question and one comment.
Since very few did the assignment, please, post the questions and comments to me before 17 March e-mail:
See the Pensum for further reading of ANT
Alma will post the reading material for next week.
I wish you a nice Eastern.
Reading material for next class is now posted.
Hi! The first readings are now posted. Please take a look at Detailed Teaching Plan (Detaljert undervisningsplan)
Hi, all of you interested in the course! Teaching will take place in the Visningsrom, forskningsparken II building. The room is located on the second floor (one level down from the entrance into the building). You will find it easily by following the staircase one level down, room is then right in front of you, the door to the left of the elevator). See you there, Alma