Group 1: Maria Balashova, Kelly …

  • Group 1: Maria Balashova, Kelly Mantagou, Marit Kristine ?dland

  • Group 2: Kim Anh Thi Vo, Eirik Mistereggen, Jo Christian Magnusson

  • Group 3: Selamawit Molla, Ole Kristian Rolstad, Cato Pakusch

  • Group 4: H?kon, Daniel, J?rgen

Presenters of Articles and Commentators:

February 3rd: Star, Susan Leigh Power, Technology and the Phenomenology of Conventions On Being Allergic to Onions, pp. 79-107.

  • Presenters: Group 3

  • Commentator: Christina M?rtberg

February 10th: Helen Verran, Michael Christie , Bryce Anbins-King, Trevor van Weeren, Wulumdhuna Yunupingu, Designing Digital Knowledge Management Tools with Aboriginal Australians, Digital Creativity, 2007, Vol 18, No 3, pp129-142.

  • Presenters: Group 2

  • Commentator: Group 1

March 3rd: Moser, Ingunn & Law, John Good Passages, Bad Passages, pp. 157-178.

  • Presenters: Group 1

  • Commentators: Group 2

March 17th: Singleton, Vicky Training and Resuscitating Healthy Citizens in thr English New Public Health - Normativities in Process. pp. 221-246.

  • Presenters: Group 4

  • Commentators: Group 3

Good Luck!

Christina and Sisse

Published Jan. 27, 2009 1:59 PM - Last modified May 25, 2009 12:05 PM