Exams 26.05.2009 in Visningsrom
Time: 9.00-12.00
9.00-9.45 Group 1: Maria Balashova, Kelly Mantagou, Marit Kristine ?dland
9.45-10.30 Group 2: Eirik Mistereggen, Jo Christian Magnusson
10.30-11.15 Group 3: Ole Kristian Rolstad, Cato Pakusch
11.15-12.00 Group 4: H?kon, Daniel, J?rgen
All written and printed materials are allowed.
Group 2-4: Please be present ca 15 minutes before your scheduled time.
Good luck and Welcome!
Christina & Sisse
Next week you’ll present your projects in class. Each group has 15 min. for the presentation + 5 min. for open discussion. The order of the presentations is as follows: group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4. Looking forward! Sisse
NB! The deadline for submitting the final project report is changed to 07.05.2009 midnight.
This gives you opportunities also to integrate things that comes up in Kristin Asdals lecture the 5th of May.
Please send an e-mail to Kristin A if you have any questions to the contributions in the text book. Kristin is one of the editors.
e-mail: Kristin.Asdal at
To next Tuesday please bring with you a question or comment to the text.
I will also ask you to look at the webpage and the demands related to the exams.
See you next week!
Information about the midterm presentation that we handed out 3 of March is available on the web page.
NB! The lecture today 24 of February is cancelled due to illness NB!
See you next week
Christina and Sisse
Remember to read and consider the departmental guidelines for written assignments - Norwegian version and English version
Thanks for your engagement and for taking part in making the class a wonderful place to be. Here's the story of stuff to think around to day's concepts... translation, actor-network, heterogeneity, standards, etc.
Prof. Ina Wagner (CSCW-researcher) is visiting the Design group and gives an open lecture about tangible computing on Friday Jan. 30, from 10.15-12, the INFRA room (no. 4.312) at Intermedia, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken ll, House 4. Abstract: This seminar offers an introduction to 'tangible computing', tracing its origins and describing examples of tangible user interfaces (TUI). The focus is on central features of TUIs - embodied spatiality, haptic directness, and support of cooperativity - as well as on design questions. Everybody is welcome.
- Group 1: Maria Balashova, Kelly Mantagou, Marit Kristine ?dland
- Group 2: Kim Anh Thi Vo, Eirik Mistereggen, Jo Christian Magnusson
- Group 3: Selamawit Molla, Ole Kristian Rolstad, Cato Pakusch
- Group 4: H?kon, Daniel, J?rgen
Presenters of Articles and Commentators:
February 3rd: Star, Susan Leigh Power, Technology and the Phenomenology of Conventions On Being Allergic to Onions, pp. 79-107.
- Presenters: Group 3
- Commentator: Christina M?rtberg
February 10th: Helen Verran, Michael Christie , Bryce Anbins-King, Trevor van Weeren, Wulumdhuna Yunupingu, Designing Digital Knowledge Management Tools with Aboriginal Australians, Digital Creativity, 2007, Vol 18, No 3, pp129-142.
- Presenters: Group 2
- Commentator: Group 1...
On Jan. 27th the teaching takes place in room 208 (through the glass door, down the hallway) from Visningsrummet.