
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
19.01.2005Wolfgang Leister? Alfa&Omega? Introduction?
  • Introduction
  • Overview of standards
  • Information theory
  • Coding of Images
26.01.2005Wolfgang Leister? Alfa&Omega? Image Coding / JPEG?
  • JPEG image coding
  • DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
  • RLE (Runlength Encoding in JPEG)
02.02.2005Wolfgang Leister? Alfa and Omega? Image and Video Coding?
  • JPEG
  • MPEG I and MPEG II
16.02.2005Wolfgang Leister? Alfa and Omega? Image and Video Coding?
  • H.263
  • Wavelet Coding
  • JPEG 2000
23.02.2005Wolfgang Leister? Alfa and Omega? AudioCoding I / Music Coding / Psycho Acoustics? ?
02.03.2005Eirik Maus? Alfa and Omega? Newer Video Codecs / Transmission protocols?
  • newer video codecs
  • transmission protocols
09.03.2005Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Audio Coding II / GSM? ?
30.03.2005Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Audio Coding III / MIDI / DVD?
  • Speech Coding
  • MIDI
  • DVD
13.04.2005Wolfgang Leister? Delta? Digital TV ? ?
20.04.2005Wolfgang Leister? Alpha and Omega? DAB / MPEG-7? ?
27.04.2005Wolfgang Leister? Delta? MPEG-7 / MPEG-4 ? ?
04.05.2005Participants? Delta? OBLIG / MPEG-4 / MPEG-21? ?
11.05.2005Participants? Delta? OBLIG / Historic Sound Coding? ?
18.05.2005Participants? Alpha and Omega? OBLIG? ?
Publisert 2. jan. 2005 12:51 - Sist endret 18. mai 2005 11:42