
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
10.01.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever (Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel)? 3A? Concurrency Verification: Why? and How? Compositionality? Foils:Concurrency, Compositionality?
17.01.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever? 3A? The inductive assertion method.? Covers sequential program verification.Foils?
23.01.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever? 3B 13.15-15.00? Synchronous transition diagrams and their compositional semantics. Compositional semantics for nested synchronous transition diagrams. Compositional verification of NSTDs.? Foils:Synchronous Transition Diagrams, Semantics for NSTDs, Verification of NSTDs.?
31.01.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever? 3A? Soundness and (semantic) completeness? Foils?
07.02.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever? 3A? Soundness and completeness. Assume-guarantee-based reasoning? Covers an intro to both assume/guarantee-based reasoning about synchronous TDs and shared-variable concurrency (and then called the rely-guarantee formalism).Foils?
14.02.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever? 3A? Assume-guarantee-based proofsystem? Covers the required semantics, proof system, and soundness and semantic completeness.Foils?
21.02.2006? ? No lecture this week ? ?
28.02.2006Prof. Dr. Willem-Paul de Roever? 3A? Verification for Java's multi-threading and monitor concepts? Abstract?
07.03.2006Arild Torjusen? 3A? Validating Behavioral Component Interfaces in Rewriting Logic? The talk will present this article.


14.03.2006Johan Dovland? 3A? Compositional Reasoning of Concurrent Objects with Asynchronous Method Calls? Abstract?
21.03.2006Ingrid Chieh Yu? 3A? A type system for CREOL? Abstract?
28.03.2006Roger Antonsen? 3A? Variabelsplitting: konsistens og kompleksitet? Abstract?
04.04.2006? ? No lecture? ?
11.04.2006? ? No lecture (easter)? ?
18.04.2006Anders Moen Hagalisletto? 3A? Local deduction of trust? Abstract?
25.04.2006Mass Soldal Lund? 3A? Testing of probabilistic automata with input and output? ?
02.05.2006Christian Mahesh Hansen? 3A? Matrix Characterisation of Validity in Automated Proof Search? ?
09.05.2006Harald Chen? 3A? ? ?
Publisert 16. jan. 2006 16:27 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2007 11:59