
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
03.02.2009Mohammad Fadlisyah (Fadli)? ? "Qualitative specification"? slides?
10.02.2009Martin Steffen? ? "Automatic mutual exclusion"? slides handouts

paper1 in pdf

paper2 in pdf?

17.02.2009Mai Tran? ? Summary presentation of the courses given in the Tallinn winter school 2009? ?
24.02.2009Marcel Kyas? ? "Explaining the CREOL Compiler"? ?
03.03.2009Martin Steffen? ? "Automatic mutual exclusion" (part 2)? This is the continuation and it will go more into details and explanations of the underlying concepts.?
10.03.2009Gerardo Schneider? ? "Wrap your objects safely"? Abstract: I will talk about the addition of a language primitive to define wrappers around an object (and component) controlling its interaction with the environment. This kind of "local firewall" may play two different roles: (1) The untrusted part is what is inside the wrapper; (2) The untrusted part is the environment. I will present how to add a language primitive for creating wrapped objects, and sketch a formalization in Creol.

Joint work with Olaf Owe.?

10.03.2009Gerardo Schneider? ? "On the specification of full contracts"? Abstract: Contracts specify properties of an interface to a software component. In this talk I consider the problem of defining a full contract that specifies not only the normal behaviour, but also special cases and tolerated exceptions. I will focus on the behavioural properties of use cases taken from the Common Component Modelling Example (CoCoME), proposed as a benchmark to compare different component models. I will concentrate on three particular properties in order to compare deontic and operational specifications: operational specifications are well suited for normal cases, but are less easily extended for exceptional cases. This hypothesis is investigated by comparing specifications in CSP (operational) with specifications in the contract language CL.

Joint work with Stephen Fenech, Joseph Okika, Gordon Pace and Anders Ravn?

14.04.2009Catalin Dima (Univ. Paris 12)? ? "Modeling of security properties"? Models of access control : the Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman model, the take-grant model, the typed access control model of Sandhu; negative and positive decidability results of the safety problem for access control models.?
21.04.2009Kjetil S. Matheussen? ? "FAUST - Functional Programming for Signal Processing" ? ?
28.04.2009Erika Abraham? ? "SMT-solving in the context of bounded model checking" ? ?
12.05.2009Maximilian Dylla (from Chalmers, Sweden)? ? "Implementing Hoare-style reasoning for Creol in the Key prover" ? ?
Publisert 20. jan. 2009 14:39 - Sist endret 16. juli 2009 12:15