
Publisert 10. nov. 2010 15:48

Updated slides for the "ORM and DL-Lite" presentation by Vegard are published on the undervisningsplan.

Publisert 20. okt. 2010 10:10

Vegard has written a DL-Lite cheat sheet containing the syntax and semantics of DL-Lite_{A,id} compressed into two pages.

Publisert 30. sep. 2010 19:00

I have uploaded a sample beamer tex file and its results from running through pdflatex which you can use as inspiration when preparing your presentation.

Publisert 30. sep. 2010 18:57

Updated slides for the introduction to DL-Lite, i.e., chapter 2, is found in the undervisningsplan.

Publisert 6. sep. 2010 17:13

The main plan for this semester's logikkseminar is to learn DL-Lite and any related stuff we find interesting. The "curriculum" will be the article Ontologies and Databases: The DL-Lite Approach

It is a rather comprehensive 100 page overview of many of the results obtained by the Rome+Bolzano group of people on DL-Lite and variants that Diego Calvanese prepared as material for a PhD course he was teaching last year. It contains material taken from various papers, but puts it into a coherent framework with uniform notation and coherent examples. There is also lots of pointers to further work.

The plan for next session, 09.09.10, is to make a more detailed plan for the whole semester. For those of you who are new to DL-Lite, please have a look at the article.