Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
22.01.2008 | Arild Waaler, Martin Giese? | Buerommet, 3. etg.? | Planleggingsm?te? | ? |
29.01.2008 | Evgenij Thorstensen? | Buerommet? | Introduction to coherent logic? | ? |
05.02.2008 | Evgenij Thorstensen? | Buerommet? | Soundness and completeness of coherent logic? | Automating Coherent Logic? |
12.02.2008 | Evgenij Thorstensen? | Buerommet? | Undecidability of coherent logic? | Undecidability of coherent logic? |
19.02.2008 | Martin Giese? | Buerommet? | Equality in tableau and sequent calculi? | ? |
26.02.2008 | Bjarne Holen? | Buerommet? | First-Order Connection Calculus in Maude? | ? |
04.03.2008 | Martin Giese? | Buerommet? | Equality in tableau and sequent calculi ? | JAR article on Superposition for Tableaux? |
11.03.2008 | Martin Giese? | Buerommet? | Equality in tableau and sequent calculi ? | ? |
18.03.2008 | utg?r? | ? | ? | ? |
25.03.2008 | utg?r? | ? | ? | ? |
01.04.2008 | Alfred Bratterud? | Buerommet? | Goodstein's theorem? | The Termite and the Tower? |
08.04.2008 | Alfred Bratterud ? | Buerommet? | Goodstein's theorem ? | ? |
15.04.2008 | Halstein Hansen? | Buerommet? | Hybride systemer? | André Platzer artikkelen |
22.04.2008 | utg?r? | ? | ? | ? |
29.04.2008 | Frederik Klingenberg, Aleksander Blomsk?ld? | Buerommet? | Full OWL, OWL+datatyper? | ? |
06.05.2008 | Frederik Klingenberg, Aleksander Blomsk?ld? | Buerommet? | Full OWL, OWL+datatyper ? | ? |
13.05.2008 | Lars Over?? | Buerommet? | DL + Description Graphs? | ? |
20.05.2008 | Lars Over?? | Buerommet? | DL + Description Graphs ? | ? |
27.05.2008 | Cristian Prisacariu? | Buerommet? | Tableau Methods for Dynamic Logic? | Artikkel An On-the-fly Tableau-based Decision
Procedure for PDL-Satisfiability av Pietro Abate, Rajeev Goré, Florian Widmann? |
03.06.2008 | Cristian Prisacariu ?? | Buerommet? | Tableau Methods for Some Kind of Deontic Logic?? | ? |
Publisert 21. jan. 2008 13:46
- Sist endret 20. mai 2008 18:47