
Published Dec. 15, 2004 1:00 AM

The results of the exam will be published by the administration as for other exams. Those who do not pass get a chance to resubmit the same paper (but improved) with the deadline of 6th January 2005. This applies since the exam does not produce a mark.

Published Nov. 30, 2004 1:00 AM

Submission of final essay: use the following name for the file: "Navn Etternavn-INF5250.doc" (or .pdf). Submitted only to edoardo at by 12 December 12 AM

Published Nov. 30, 2004 1:00 AM

People interested in Strategic Alignment please contact me for references. One did, but I lost the e-mail. Edoardo

Published Nov. 22, 2004 1:00 AM

The draft feedback document is now available under the detailed teaching plan page. Date of 22 November. If you have further detailed question arrange a meeting with me. Edoardo

Published Nov. 22, 2004 1:00 AM

We have received 61 drafts. Only who has submitted the draft is allowed to submit the final essay. So check in the feedback document if you are there. The final deadline is 12 December 12 AM. Send all final essays only to "edoardo at".

Published Nov. 19, 2004 1:00 AM

Feedback on the draft will be publisehd as a single document on the course website on monday under the "Detailed teaching plan" page and under the date of monday 22. There will be no lecture but I will be in the class available for advice and questions.

Published Nov. 11, 2004 1:00 AM

Last lecture is 15 November. Deadline for submission of drafts is 15 November. Drafts are "nearly finished" essays.

Published Oct. 28, 2004 2:00 AM

The outline should contain the list of titles of the paragraphs and for each paragraph a description of what you want to write in it. You must choose the topics, the case (and briefly describe it), how to structure the analysis and the discussion. Also document how you will collect the data.

Published Oct. 28, 2004 2:00 AM

Outlines are to be sent to edoardo 'at' AND to jbraa 'at' The file should be named with the student full name and last name. The file must be in pdf or MS word. Please check that the file can be read in a MS Windows environment before submitting. The subject in the message should contain "INF5250" to ease the routing process.

Published Oct. 22, 2004 2:00 AM

Deadlines: Outline by 1 November, Draft by 12 November, Final Deadline 12 December.

Published Oct. 6, 2004 2:00 AM

Instructions for the final essay are to be downloaded from the teaching plan page under the lecture of 04 October. The mandatory deadline for the draft is 15 of November. Essays need to be sent to edoardo at

Published Sep. 29, 2004 2:00 AM

The readings for the next lecture (4 October) are now downloadable from the "Detailed Teaching Plan" page.

Published Sep. 24, 2004 2:00 AM

Lecture Slides for Monday 27 September are available. Please download from the "Detailed Teaching Plan" page and read.

Published Sep. 1, 2004 2:00 AM

In Ekspedisjonen we have left three copies of the first 150 pages of the book, this should be enough for the moment. You may go there, fetch a copy, make a copy for yourself, and return the copy. You still need to buy the book. This only applies to students who have already ordered the book but did not yet receive it.

Published Aug. 25, 2004 2:00 AM

The reading for the 30.8 lecture is now available for download. You MUST read it before hand.

Published Aug. 24, 2004 2:00 AM

Slides and task group description from the lecture of 23.8 are now available.