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23.08.2004P?l S?rgaard? Lille Auditorium? Organization Design 1? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives"

Should be available at Akademika this week.

Task Description

Lecture slides:

Group Task

Introduction to Mintzberg?

30.08.2004J?rn Braa? Lille Auditorium? Global IS Development: examples from HISP? Readings:

Braa J., Monteiro E., Sahay S., (2004), Networks of Action: Sustainable Health Information Systems Across Developing Countries, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 3.?

06.09.2004P?l S?rgaard? Lille Auditorium? Organization Design 2? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives"

Lecture Slides:

Organization Design?

13.09.2004P?l S?rgaard? Lille Auditorium? Organization Design 3? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives"

Lecture Slides

Situation Configuration?

20.09.2004P?l S?rgaard? Lille Auditorium? Organization Design 4? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives"

Lecture Slides


27.09.2004Edoardo Jacucci? Lille Auditorium? ISD in complex organizations 1? Readings:

Avison D., Fitzgerald G., (2003), "Information Systems Development", Ch. 1-6, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition

The book is recommended but not mandatory

Lecture Slides

ISD in Complex Org 1?

04.10.2004Edoardo Jacucci? Lille Auditorium? ISD in complex organizations 2? Readings:

Carr N.G., (2003), IT doesn't matter, _Harvard Business Review_, May

Brown J.S., (2003), Does IT matter?, _Harvard Business Review_, May

Walsham G., Symons V., Waema T., (1988), 'Information Systems as Social Systems: Implications for Developing Countries', _Information Technology for Development_, Vol. 3, No. 3.

Lecture Slides:

ISD in Complex Org 2

Instructions for final Essay?

11.10.2004Edoardo Jacucci, P?l S?rgaard? Lille Auditorium? Discussion of Groupwork? P?l will go through the essay and discuss with you about your work.

Lecture Slides

Assignment Feedback?

18.10.2004Edoardo Jacucci? Lille Auditorium? Actor Network Theory? Readings

Monteiro, E. Actor-network theory. In: C. Ciborra (ed.), From control to drift, pp. 71 - 83.

Monteiro, E. and Heps?, V. Diffusion of infrastructure: mobilisation and improvisation In Information systems: current issues and future challenges , Proc. IFIP WG 8.2 & 8.6, 1998, pp. 255 - 274.

Newman, Susan (1998). Here, There and Nowhere at All : Distribution, Negotiation, and Virtuality in Postmodern Ethnography and Engineering, Knowledge and Society: Researches in Science and Technology, Vol 11, pp. 253-257

Lecture Slides:

Actor Network Theory?

25.10.2004Edoardo Jacucci? Lille Auditorium? Structuration Theory? Readings:

Walsham, G. Organizational Change: Context and Process, in Interpreting Information Systems in Organizations (1993), Chapter 3, pp 52-71.

Orlikowski, W. 1992. The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in Organisations, Organization Science, 3(3), 398-427.

Secondary Reading:

Sahay S.,Walsham G., (1997), Social Structure and managerial agency in India, Organization Studies, Vol 18 No. 3.

Braa J., Nermunkh C., (1997), Health Information Systems in Mongolia: a difficult process of change, IFIP 9.4.

Lecture Slides

Structuration Theory?

01.11.2004Edoardo Jacucci? Lille Auditorium? IS & Standardization? Readings:

The Economist - About standards

Ole Hanseth, 2002, From systems and tools to networks and infrastructures, Working Paper

Ole Hanseth, Eric Monteiro and Morten Hatling. Developing information infrastructure: The tension between standardization and flexibility.Science, Technology and Human Values. Vol. 21 No. 4, Fall 1996, 407-426.

Lecture Slides:

IS & Standardization?

08.11.2004J?rn Braa? Lille Auditorium? Scandinavian Approach to ISD? Readings:

Bjerknes G., Bratteteig T., User Participation and Democracy: A Discussion of Scandinavian Research on Systems Development, Scandinavia Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1

Braa J., Hedberg C., (2002), The struggle for District-Based Health Information Systems, The Information Society, Vol. 18

Additional Essay Guidelines

More Guidelines

Lecture Slides

Scandinavian Approach?

15.11.2004J?rn Braa? Lille Auditorium? Participatory Design? Readings

The same as the last lecture.?

22.11.2004Edoardo Jacucci? Lille Auditorium? Q&A: Feedback to Drafts? Feedback Document?
29.11.2004J?rn Braa? Lille Auditorium? To be Determined? ?
Published Aug. 23, 2004 2:34 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2004 3:05 PM