
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
29.08.2005P?l S?rgaard? lille auditorium? Organization Design 1? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives": Introduction

Group Task Description

Lecture Slides:

Group Task

Introduction to Mintzberg?

05.09.2005P?l S?rgaard? lille auditorium? Organization Design 2? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives": Ch 2-5

Lecture Slides:

Organization Design?

12.09.2005Jens Kaasb?ll? lille auditorium? Introduction to IS and organization: foundations? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 1 and 2

Carr, N.G.(2003). "IT doesn't matter", Harward Business Review. paper copy distributed in class

Brown, J.S.(2003). "Does IT matter?", Harward Business Review. paper copy distributed in class

Does IT Matter?: slides from lecture?

19.09.2005P?l S?rgaard? lille auditorium? Organization Design 3? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives": Ch 6-9

Lecture Slides:

Situation and Configuration?

26.09.2005P?l S?rgaard? lille auditorium? Organization Design 4? Henry Mintzberg "Structure in Fives": Ch 10-12

Lecture Slides:


description of second/third assignments and final exam?

03.10.2005Jens Kaasb?ll? lille auditorium? Cultural and political aspects of IS: the issue of participation? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 6 and 7

Gro Bjerknes and Tone Bratteteig (1995)"User Participation and Democracy: A Discussion of Scandinavian Research on System Development", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol7, No 1: pdf


reminder: October 7th 12AM deadline for grouptask?

10.10.2005Edoardo Jacucci? lille auditorium? IS and strategy? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 3 and Ch 4

Ciborra, C. (1997)"De Profundis? Deconstructing the concept of strategic alignment", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 9, Issue 1: electronic in bibsys

slides: IS and Strategy?

17.10.2005P?l S?rgaard? lille auditorium? feedback on groupwork? slides?
24.10.2005Jens Kaasb?ll? lille auditorium? IS, people and work practices 1 ? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 8

slides: Enabling Use of Information Systems

slides: Explaining the role of user participation in information system use

second assignment: some clarifications

reminder: 1st November Draft first aspect. Send to miriag (at) ifi.uio.no?

31.10.2005Jens Kaasb?ll? lille auditorium? IS, people and work practices 2? Les Gasser (1986) The Integration of Computing and Routine Work

Jens Kaasb?ll (2002) Alternative to parrot training

Jens Kaasb?ll (2002) Superusers: how to improve user support and information flow?

slides:The integration of Computing and Routine Work

slides:User training?

07.11.2005Jens Kaasb?ll, Miria Grisot? lille auditorium? guidance of student writing? ?
14.11.2005Jens Kaasb?ll? lille auditorium? IS implementation? Boddy et Al. "Managing Information Systems": Ch 9 slides

Lyytinen, K. and Robey, D. (1999)"Learning failure in information systems development" Information Systems Journal vol 9, issue 2: follow link to Information Systems Journal, and to Swetswise database slides?

21.11.2005Sundeep Sahay? Lille auditorium? Aligning interests ? Madon, S., Sahay, S., Sahay, J. (2004)"Implementing property tax reforms in Bangalore: an actor-network perspective". Information and Organization Vol.14, Issue 4: electronic in bibsys ?
28.11.2005Jens Kaasb?ll? lille auditorium? IS and change: Structuration Theory? Walsham, G. (1993)"Organizational Change: Context and Process" in Interpreting Information Systems in Organizations, pp. 52-71. paper copy distributed in class


reminder: 29th November Draft second aspect. Send to miriag (at) ifi.uio.no?

16.12.2005? ? ? reminder: 16 December, Final Delivery. Send to miriag (at) ifi.uio.no?
Published Aug. 26, 2005 4:40 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:03 PM