
Publisert 12. mai 2014 22:24

Errors in the Solution to Exercise 2 have been pointed out (subtasks 2.1e and 2.2). A corrected version of the Solution has been uploaded to the course site.

Publisert 2. mai 2014 15:46

Reminder: A solution for Exercise 2 was discussed in class and subsequently uploaded to the course site. Students who in addition need individual feedback are kindly requested to send an e-mail to the lecturer.

Publisert 1. mai 2014 21:08

The following slide sets have been uploaded to Forelesninger:

  • INF5390-14 Natural Language Communication
  • INF5390-15 Foundations and Prospects

Since chapters 26 and 27 are missing from textbook edition most students are using, the chapters have been uploaded to Pensum:

  • AIMA Ch. 26 Philosophical Foundations
  • AIMA Ch. 27 AI - The Present and Future

The lecture will start with a brief discussion of the format and recommended preparations for the exam in June.



Publisert 25. apr. 2014 11:38

The following slide sets have been uploaded:

  • INF5390-12 Learning from Examples
  • INF5390-13 Reinforcement Learning
Publisert 23. apr. 2014 21:41

The following have been uploaded to the course site:

  • Solution for Exercise 2
  • Updated list of lectures (due to April 8 cancellation).

Please note new seminar room for the last lecture on May 6th.


Publisert 8. apr. 2014 07:58

Forelesningen idag 8. april m? dessverre avlyses pga. sykdom. Forelesningsserien blir forskj?vet slik at siste forelesning blir 6. mai.

The lecture today April 8th unfortunately has to be cancelled due to sick leave. The lecture series will be extended with a last lecture on May 6th.

Publisert 4. apr. 2014 21:59

Presentations for the lecture on April 8th have been uploaded:

  • INF5390-10 Probabilistic Reasoning
  • INF5390-11 Making Simple Decisions

The solution for Exercise 2 will be discussed.

Publisert 27. mars 2014 21:17

It's been pointed out that there is an error in the the text of Exercise 2, point 1e. The correct wording is:

Politicians can fool some of the people all of the time, and they can fool all of the people some of the time, but they can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

A corrected version of the exercise has been uploaded.

Publisert 22. mars 2014 18:34
Publisert 16. mars 2014 20:27

Besvarelsene til ?ving 1 er gjennomg?tt og resultatene er oppgitt i Devilry. Kun de som har f?tt godtatt oppgaven kan g? opp til eksamen i juni.

Forslag til l?sning av ?ving 1 er lagt ut under ?vinger (bemerk at l?sning til oppgave 1.2 er komplett, men ikke optimal). Sp?rsm?l kan rettes til fagl?rer via e-mail:


Deliverables for Exercise 1 have been evaluated and the results are given in Devilry. Only those who have received a Passed grade can register for the exam in June. 

A proposed solution for Exercise 1 has been uploaded to ?vinger (note that the solution for exercise 1.2 is complete, but not optimal). Question can be sent to the lecturer by e-mail:


Publisert 9. mars 2014 23:14

Presentasjoner for forelesning 11. mars er lastet opp:

  • INF5390-06 Knowledge Engineering in FOL
  • INF5390-07 Knowledge Representation

L?sning av ?ving 1 vil ble gjennomg?tt.

Presentations for the lecture on March 11th have been uploaded:

  • INF5390-06 Knowledge Engineering in FOL
  • INF5390-07 Knowledge Representation

The solution for Exercise 1 will be discussed.

Publisert 23. feb. 2014 21:29

Presentasjoner for forelesning 25. februar er lastet opp:

  • INF5390-04 Logical Agents
  • INF5390-05 First-Order Logic

Merk ogs? at ?ving 1 med innleveringsfrist 10. mars er lagt ut.

Publisert 20. feb. 2014 21:19

Revidert pensumliste med kapitelnummerering for b?de 2010 og 2013 opptrykk av l?reboka er lagt ut.

?ving 1 er lagt ut (b?de norsk og engelsk version). Innleveringsfrist er 10.mars.

Exercise 1 has been posted under "?vinger" (Norwegian and English). Deadline for submission is March 10th.


Publisert 9. feb. 2014 17:21

Presentasjoner for forelesninger 11.02 er lastet opp:

  • INF5390-02 Intelligent Agents
  • INF5390-03 Solving Problems by Searching

Forelesningsplan er revidert, men eneste endring er at innlevering av obligatorisk ?ving nr. 2 er flyttet fra 21.04 til 07.04.

Forel?pig pensumliste er ogs? lagt ut, basert p? 2010 trykk av l?reboka. Versjon som tar hensyn til 2013 utgave kommer senere.

Publisert 27. jan. 2014 22:50

INF5390 starter som annonsert 28. januar kl. 13:15, Seminarrom 2452 Pascal, OJD.

Forelesningsplan og presentasjon for f?rste forelesning er lagt ut under Undervisningsmateriale.