
Publisert 14. apr. 2010 23:00

Eksamen holdes 23/6, kl. 9:00. The exam will be held on June 23, at 9am.

Publisert 1. mars 2010 15:43

Lectures will restart on April 7th. The plan will be updated after that date.

Publisert 24. feb. 2010 11:01

Undevisningen i dag er kansellert (Today's lecture is canceled)

Publisert 3. feb. 2010 23:01

Revidert forelesningsplan. Den 10/2 repeteres forelesning 1 f?r del 2 foreleses. (Revised lecture plan. On Feb. 10, lecture 1 is repeated before lecture 2)

Publisert 3. feb. 2010 00:57

Forelesning 1 finnes som link i forelesningsplanen (Lecture 1 can be found in the lecture plan)