
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
28.08.2007Jim T?rresen? 3C Informatikkbygg? Intro to course and Evolutionary Computing ? Ch. 1-2 in Eiben & Smith ? ?
04.09.2007Jim T?rresen? 3C Informatikkbygg? Intro to Evolutionary Computing and Genetic Algorithms ? Ch. 2-3 in Eiben & Smith ?
11.09.2007Jim T?rresen ? 3C Informatikkbygg ? Genetic Algorithms? Ch. 3 in Eiben & Smith ?
25.09.2007Jim T?rresen ? 3C Informatikkbygg? Working with Evolutionary Algorithms? Ch. 14 in Eiben & Smith?
01.10.2007? UNIX computer? Obligatory exercise in GA? Deadline October 25.?
16.10.2007Jim T?rresen? 3C Informatikkbygg ? Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming and Genetic Programming? Ch. 4-6 in Eiben & Smith (summary)?
23.10.2007Jim T?rresen ? 3C Informatikkbygg? Evolvable hardware (EHW) intro and FPGA? On-line papers?
30.10.2007Jim T?rresen ? 3C Informatikkbygg? J.Miller: Digital Circuit Evolution? On-line papers?
30.10.2007DVD? 3C Informatikkbygg? J. Koza: Analog Circuit Design? On-line papers?
06.11.2007Jim T?rresen? 3C Informatikkbygg? T. Higuchi: Real-World Applications? On-line papers?
06.11.2007Students? 3C Informatikkbygg? Misc. projects? On-line papers ?
13.11.2007Jim T?rresen ? 3C Informatikkbygg? The Challenges and Future of EHW and Summary & Questions? On-line papers?
Publisert 22. aug. 2007 15:44 - Sist endret 22. aug. 2007 16:36