
Publisert 12. nov. 2009 11:21

You may download representative examples of previous exams from ExamsINF5480. Unfortunately, for English speaking students, I have only one exam text in English. But you will anyway get the idea from also looking at the two examples in Norwegian. Best of luck with your exam! Tor

Publisert 7. nov. 2009 14:37

As indicated elsewhere, the written three-hour exam will be on Nov. 25 from 09:00. The syllabus (pensum) on which the exam problems are based, is the material presented in the lectures. This corresponds approximately to the following material in the textbook: Chapters 1 to 5, except Section 4.4.5 "Signal Flowgraph Modeling" and Section 5.4 "Coupled Filter".

The last lecture will be on Monday, Nov. 9 from 09:15 till about 10:15.

Publisert 25. sep. 2009 18:17

Sorry, but the lecture is cancelled on Monday, Oct. 5 owing to travel abroad. Next lecture after this is October 12.

Publisert 25. aug. 2009 12:47

The textbook for this course is: Rheinhold Ludwig / Gene Bogdanov, "RF Circuit Design, Theory and Applications". 2. edition (2008). ISBN 0131471376. The book can be ordered from Akademika, Blindern, or from an Internet vendor such as Amazon.

The overheads for the lectures can be downloaded from INF5480 overheads

My mail address is Tor Fjeldly

Publisert 11. aug. 2009 17:53

NB! Merk at forelesningene er flyttet til mandager.

F?ste forelesning er mandag 31. august.