
Published Nov. 29, 2007 12:05 AM


Please send your final reports in PDF format to Sara ( and copy Meg (, Christina ( and Eva ( Please submit your reports NO LATER than 24.00 on Friday 30. Nov.

Published Nov. 15, 2007 12:54 PM

Final Report:

-Length & format: 10 pages text (minimum 10, maximum 15), single space, 12 point font

-Language: Norwegian or English

-Literature: Draw references to at least 5 articles from the course readings

-NOTE: Your reports are due by midnight of Friday November 30th

Published Sep. 25, 2007 4:44 PM

Midterm Date and Time:

Please keep in mind that the midterm is on Thursday 1. Nov, from 10.00 to 14.00. We will be providing a sign-up sheet and each group should sign up for a presentation slot.

Published Sep. 17, 2007 5:07 PM


Please remember to bring to class with you tomorrow:

-a designed object (or at least a picture of a designed object you find particularly intriguing);

-why you find it intriguing;

-whether and how it relates to one (or a number of) the 5 common ways in which a creative leap is achieved in design (refer to Tone Bratteteig's presentation below on Designerly Ways of Thinking for more info).

Published Sep. 11, 2007 8:15 PM

Here is a link to the article from today:

Geared to Grow

Published Sep. 5, 2007 3:16 PM

Starting Tuesday, Sept 11th, class will be held from 9:15 - 12:00 every Tuesday only. Please note on the syllabus when Thursday sessions will be held.

Published Aug. 31, 2007 4:59 PM

As mentioned in Thursday's class, here are some suggestions on changes we can make to the class time in order to make it easier for more of you to attend. Please take a look and come to class on Tuesday with your most preferred option:

Option 1: Tues 9:00-12:00, NO CLASS ON THURSDAY

Option 2: Tues 10:15-12:00 (same as now), Thur 9:15-11:00

Option 3: Tues 10:15-12:00 (same as now), Thur 8:15-10:00

Option 4: NO CHANGES

Published Aug. 27, 2007 5:49 PM

Hello prospective students! Please keep in mind that the first three classes (Aug 28, Aug 30 and Sept 4) will meet at InterMedia Visningsrommet, on 2nd floor of 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken II building. Since most of you cannot access the building from the university side entrance, you can go through the main entrance, make an immediate right, go through a hallway, make another right until you're in the university wing of the 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken. Then simply go down the stairs and look for InterMedia Visningsrom.