Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
27.08.2009Nils Christophersen? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am? Peer-to-peer production and introduction to the digital "commons"? Look through the recent book by David Bollier to get a popular introduction to some main themes of this course.

Lecture slides

Assignment originally to be completed by Sept. 3 and now extended to Sept. 10: Make your profile in the course Wiki?

03.09.2009Nils Christophersen? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? The generative Internet; a first introduction to intellectual property (IP)? Assignment to be completed by Sept. 10: Give the initial description of your project in the course Wiki as you will see defined there.

Lecture slides?

10.09.2009Wolfgang Leister? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am? Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)? Lecture slides?
17.09.2009Wolfgang Leister? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am? Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)? Lecture slides?
24.09.2009Guest lecture Petter Reinholdtsen, USIT and leader Norwegian Unix User Group ? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am? Free software development - community and technology? Lecture with student interactions.

Lecture slides?

01.10.2009Guest lecture Kirill Miazine, F?yen law firm? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am? FOSS: copyright, copyleft, copywrong - legal principles and practical implications? Lecture with student interactions.Lecture slides

Reading: Benkler with slides?

08.10.2009Guest lecture Eirik Aavitsland, Nokia R&D? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? Open source business models - the Qt case? Lecture with student interactions. Lecture slides

Reading: Stallman (GNU project) slides?

15.10.2009Wolfgang Leister? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am? Performing digital exams with FOSS and CBPP? The originally announced lecture by Prodromos Tsiavos was moved. The slides and presentation of the replacement presentation are similar to a presentation at NUUG.?
22.10.2009Prodromos Tsiavos ? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? Theory of commons-based peer production (1 hr)? The last two hours reserved for mid-term review of projects.

Lecture slides not available.?

29.10.2009Prodromos Tsiavos? Room Alfa/Omega at the Norwegian Computing Centre one floor above our usual lecture room.? Theory of commons-based peer production (cont.) and Intellectual property rights in a modern world (total 3 hrs).? Initially,there was no lecture this date due to the student event dagen@ifi but Prodromos will now give his lecture originally scheduled for Oct. 15. Lecture Slides?
05.11.2009Video lecture Michel Bauwens? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? Peer-to peer: technology, communities, economy and politics? Guest lecture by Haakon Flage Bratsberg, Opera software, cancelled due to illness. You will find Bauwens' video lecture in the Wiki.

Reading: Stallman (The Danger of Software Patents - no slides)?

12.11.2009Ola Henfridsson? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? Open innovation and developer communities? Lecture slides not available.

Reading: Raymond (Homsteading Noosphere) slides?

19.11.2009Kristin Braa? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? User-generated content in social media? Deadline for project reports to be handed in.

Lecture slides not available.?

26.11.2009Nils Christophersen, Wolfgang Leister, Prodromos Tsiavos? 3A Informatics building, 0915-1215 am ? Student projects presented as a mini-conference ? Eight presentations each 20 min including questions and comments. Four presentations before break followed by the last four. We finish at 1215.?
03.12.2009Nils Christophersen, Wolfgang Leister, and Prodromos Tsiavos? 3A Informatics building, 0915-12 am ? Wrap up, summary and questions? ?
08.12.2009Nils Christophersen, Wolfgang Leister, and Prodromos Tsiavos? Room 3 D in Informatics building starting at 9 am.? Final oral exam? Each student will be taking a 30 min individual oral examination. See "Exam schedule" on course home page.


Published Aug. 5, 2009 5:57 PM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2009 2:38 PM