Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.09.2011Nils Christophersen, Wolfgang Leister, Karthik Jayaraman? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am? Peer-to-peer production and introduction to the digital "commons"? Add your profile in the course Wiki to be completed by September 8, 2011. The compendium for this course is now available.?
08.09.2011Nils Christophersen? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Characterisation, Management and Production of Goods I? Project 1: Choose CBPP participation.

Project 2: Discussion of main assignment with report?

15.09.2011Wolfgang Leister? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) I ? Project 2 discussion?
22.09.2011Wolfgang Leister? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) II ? Final date for choosing Project 2?
29.09.2011Nils Christophersen? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Characterisation, Management and Production of Goods II? + Free and Open source Software (FOSS) III?
06.10.2011Michel Bauwens? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Peer-to peer: technology, communities, economy and politics ? ?
13.10.2011Wolfgang Leister? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? FOSS Quality Models (prepared by Arne-Kristian Groven)? Student experiences Project 1, participating in CBPP?
20.10.2011Karthik Jayaraman? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? FOSS Business Models? Student experiences Project 1, participating in CBPP (8 remaining presentations) + Mid-term review Project 2?
03.11.2011Karthik Jayaraman ? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Open Innovation? Mid-term review Project 2?
10.11.2011Wolfgang Leister? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Licenses and Value Creation? Licenses, Value Creation and Standards?
17.11.2011Students? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Student projects presented as a mini-conference ? Project 2 presentations, each 20 min including questions and comments. Groups to present this day:

Group II, Group IV, Group VI, Group VII, Group IX, Group III?

21.11.2011? ? Submission of Assignment Paper? Submission of the final report to the course wiki is Monday November 21 at 4 pm. The report should consist of min. 10 pages, 12pt, article-format. Note that there are no possibilities for further extensions. Please upload your contribution to the wiki and upload the pdf file to Devilry ?
24.11.2011Students? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Student projects presented as a mini-conference ? Project 2 presentations each 20 min including questions and comments. Groups presenting this day:

Group I, Group V, Group VIII, Group X, Group XI?

01.12.2011Nils Christophersen, Wolfgang Leister, and Karthik Jayamaran? OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, 0915-12 am ? Wrap up, summary and questions? ?
08.12.2011Nils Christophersen, Wolfgang Leister? To be announced? Final oral exam? Master students will be taking a 30 min individual oral examination while PhD students will take an oral 45 min exam. See "Exam schedule" on course home page when time arrives.


Published June 21, 2011 3:15 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2011 6:17 PM