Teaching plan

This plan is preliminary, and details will be changed or added during the course.

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
26.08.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Course introduction? Introduction to the theme, teaching method, students and the teacher in the seminar. Slides ?
02.09.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Use of web on mobile devices? We will discuss the following paper: Cui, Y. and Roto, V., 2008. How People Use the Web on Mobile Devices WWW 2008, Alternate Track: Industrial Practice and Experiences, Beijing, April 21-25, 2008. Slides?
09.09.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Architecture and Policy? Marjory S. Blumenthal and David D. Clark. Rethinking the design of the Internet: the end-to-end arguments vs. the brave new world. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 1(1):70-109, Aug 2001. In ACM Digital Library Slides?
16.09.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Mobile Data Service Usage Measurements from Finland? See presentation by Antero Kivi from the Coin project at Helsinki University of Technology?
23.09.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? The Generative Internet? For this session we will read Jonathan L. Zittrain, The Generative Internet. Harvard Law Review, 119(7):1974-2040, May 2006. This is a long text, so start early! P?l's slides Anders's slides?
30.09.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Use Contexts in the Mobile Internet and ideas for essays? Kim, H., Kim, J., and Lee, Y., 2005. An Empirical Study of Use Contexts in the Mobile Internet, Focusing on the Usability of Information Architecture. Information Systems Frontiers, 7(2) (May, 2005), 175-186. SpringerLink Heidi's slides Essay ideas??
07.10.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Mobile search? Church, K., Smyth, B., Cotter, P., and Bradley, K. 2007. Mobile information access: A study of emerging search behavior on the mobile Internet. ACM Trans. Web 1, 1 (May. 2007), 4. In ACM Digital Library Edwin's slides ?
14.10.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Mobile Internet in Japan? Start of essay projects

Suri, V.R. and Sawhney H. 2008: The internet and its wireless extensions in Japan: the portentous interface between chaos and order. info, 10(3):10-21 Link to the journal??got's slides??

21.10.2008-? -? ? No lecture October 21?
28.10.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Mobile Internet in Japan? Jeffrey L. Funk 2007. Solving the startup problem in Western mobile Internet markets. Telecommunications Policy, 31(1):14-30. Link to the journal?Zeferino's slides?
04.11.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? The Mobile Internet industry? First advisory period on essays this week

de Montalvo U.W., van de Kar, E., Maitland, C., 2008 Resource-based interdependencies in value networks for mobile internet services. ICEC '04: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Electronic commerce In ACM Digital Library?

11.11.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? The Mobile Internet industry? Tilson D. and Lyytinen K. 2006. The 3G transition: Changes in the US wireless industry Telecommunications Policy, 30(10-11):569-586. Link to the journal Jan Vidar's slides?
18.11.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? The Mobile Internet industry, IMS, and end-to-end? Braet, O. and Ballon P. 2007. Strategic design issues of IMS versus end-to-end architectures. info, 9(5):44-56 Link to the journal?
25.11.2008? 3B? No lecture? Second advisory period on essays this week.?
02.12.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Control and value? Pieter Ballon 2007. Business modelling revisited: the configuration of control and value. info 9(5):6-19. Link to the journal Slides?
09.12.2008P?l S?rgaard? 3B? Service adoption? Last lecture. Suggested deadline for essays

Hannu Verkasalo 2008. Dynamics of Mobile service Adoption. International Journal of E-Business Research, 4(3):40-63. Slides?

16.12.2008P?l S?rgaard? -? ? No lecture, absolutely final deadline for essays?
Published Aug. 26, 2008 11:33 AM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2008 7:51 PM