
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
30.01.2007Anders M?rch, Sisse Finken, Kathrine Nyg?rd? Visningsrommet p? InterMedia? Introduction to the course. Together with CSCW (INF 5200)? Presentation of the course and some administrative routines; similarities and differences betwen CSCW and CSCL?
06.02.2007Anders? Visningsrommet? Introduction to CSCW and groupware? Ellis et al. (1991): "Groupware: some Issues and Experiences"

Grudin (1994): "Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: History and Focus"?

13.02.2007Sisse? Visningsrommet? Intro to methods in in CSCW&L? Blomberg et. al. (1993): Ethnographic Field Methods and Their Relation to Design"

Bentley et al. (1992): "Ethnographically-Informed Systems Design for Air Trafic Control"

Forsythe (1991): "It's just a Matter of Common Sense"?

20.02.2007Anders & Sisse? Visningsrommet? Sociocultural perspectives ? Rommetveit (1992): "Outlines of a dialogically based social-cognitive approach to human cognition and communication"

Engestr?m (2000): "Activity Theory and Social Knowledge"?

27.02.2007Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet p? InterMedia? Common themes in CSCL? Ludvigsen & M?rch (2007). "CSCL: Pedagogical and technological scaffolding"?
02.03.2007? ? ? One-page project description due!?
06.03.2007Kathrine? M?terommet? Design of Computer Support for Collaboration, part 1? Chapter 2 "Evolving the learning environment," in Stahl (2006).?
13.03.2007Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Design of Computer Support for Collaboration, part 2? Damir presents chapter 4 "Supporting Situated Interpretation" and Marit chapter 5, "Collaboration Technology for Communities," in Stahl (2006).?
20.03.2006Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Design of Computer Support for Collaboration, part 3? Denne dagen utg?r og presentasjonen holdes 10.4?
27.03.2007Kathrine? M?terommet? Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge Building, part 1? Renate presents chapter 9 "A model of collaborative knowledge building" and Kathrine chapter 11, "Contributions to a theory of collaboration" in Stahl (2006). ?
30.03.2007? ? ? Midterm report due!?
03.04.2007? ? ? Spring break!?
10.04.2007Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Design of Computer Support for Collaboration part 3 & Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge Building, part 2? J?rgen presents chapter 7 "Groupware goes to school" and Sofia presents chapter 12 "In a moment of collaboration" in Stahl (2006) ?
17.04.2007Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge Building, part 3? Andy presents chapter 13 in Stahl (2006), "Collaborating with relational references" ?
24.04.2006Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Theory of group cogniton, part 1? Kinga presents chapter 15 in Stahl (2006), "Building collaborative knowing" ?
01.05.2007? ? ? No lecture on this day!?
08.05.2006Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Theory of group cogniton, part 2? Sigurd presents chapter 16 "Group meaning" and Eirik chapter 17, "Shared meaning, common ground and group cognition" in Stahl (2006). ?
15.05.2007Anders & Kathrine? M?terommet? Theory of group cogniton, part 3? Chapter 18, "Making group cognition visible," in Stahl (2006)?
22.05.2007Anders & Kathrine? Visningsrommet? Summary? Anders and Kathrine presents key points covered this semester?
29.05.2007Anders & Kathrine? Basisrommet? Last minute "cram" session? Question / answers regarding final report and studying for the final exam?
01.06.2007? ? ? Project report due!?
05.06.2007Anders, Sisse, Kathrine? Visningsrommet? CSCW and CSCL rejoin? Project presentations (note this time we may use more than 3 hours)?
13.06.2007? ? ? Oral exam (finalized)?
Publisert 29. jan. 2007 21:28 - Sist endret 21. mai 2007 16:21