The extra NMR module starts …
The extra NMR module starts on Thursday October 21. Please show up a little before 0900 in the morning. From 0900 to 0930 you will be divided into groups and will be given a short introduction. 4 students (2 + 2 on two NMR instruments) will be introduced to the spectrometers from 0930 until 1200 hours. The last four will start at 1300 hours. On Friday introductions to ICONNMR and shimming will be given. We do start at 0900 on Friday. Booking of NMR time for the next week will be done on Friday. Plan to book a lot of time, you will be training alone for most of the time.
Publisert 14. okt. 2004 02:00
- Sist endret 1. nov. 2004 12:44