Modul i énkrystall r?ntgendiffraksjon: Oppm?te kl. 09.15 04.11.04 rom VU62.
The extra NMR module starts on Thursday October 21. Please show up a little before 0900 in the morning. From 0900 to 0930 you will be divided into groups and will be given a short introduction. 4 students (2 + 2 on two NMR instruments) will be introduced to the spectrometers from 0930 until 1200 hours. The last four will start at 1300 hours. On Friday introductions to ICONNMR and shimming will be given. We do start at 0900 on Friday. Booking of NMR time for the next week will be done on Friday. Plan to book a lot of time, you will be training alone for most of the time.
Updates on Module 14 - Electrical Measurements: The lecture and lab exercises will go as planned this wednesday. NB: However, the lectures on Friday 15th have to be cancelled, and there will be no supervision for exercises that day. Lectures and exercises on monday 18th go as planned. To catch up for the lost Friday etc. I will offer lectures and supervision on wednesday 20th. TN
Module 11 - NMR starts on Thursday September 23. Please show up a litle before 0900 in the morning. From 0900 to 0930 you will be divided into groups and will be given a short introduction. 4 (2 + 2 on two NMR instruments) students will be introduced to the spectrometers from 0930 until 1200 hours. The last four will start at 1300 hours. On Friday introductions to ICONNMR and shimming will be given. We do start at 0900. Booking of NMR time for the next week will be done on Friday. Plan to book a lot of time.
Den endelige partifordelingen etter byttingen av grupper er n? hengt opp p? oppslagstavla i vestibylen. Alle som st?r p? denne oversikten har f?tt plass p? modulen de st?r p?.
Datamaskiner brukes i mange av modulene. Du m? s?rge for ? ha en fungerende UiO konto med brukernavn og passord f?r kurset begynner.
Modul 11; NMR vil g? to ganger, siden det er flere p?meldte enn den opprinnelige kapasiteten p? 8. F?rste gang 23.09-06.10. Andre gang 21.10-03.11.
Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Hvis du ikke m?ter eller ikke har f?tt fritak for fremm?te, s? strykes du fra emnet.
Vi er blitt gjort oppmerksomme p? at det har oppst?tt uheldige tidskollisjoner mellom noen moduler. Dette vil diskuteres p? informasjonsm?tet 19. august. Dersom det er uproblematisk ? flytte enkelte moduler, vil det kunne ?pnes for dette.