Undervisning - tid og sted

Registration: At office VU12b at the Department of Chemistry in the period 1.12.2005 - 12.01.2006.


Read information about modules on module page.

Module 1: NMR

Frode Rise

Module 4: Preparation and testing of micro-LC columns

Elsa Lundanes

Module 6: Infrared and raman spectroscopy

Marianne Glerup

Module 7: Micro-LC-UV

Elsa Lundanes

Module 8: Quantum chemical methods

Ola Berg Lutn?s

Module 10: Ultrafiolett-synlig spektroskopi

Marianne Glerup

Module 11: Mikro LC kollonne-svitsjing system

Elsa Lundanes

Module 13: Powder diffraction X-ray

Poul ?gidius Norby

Module 15: Mikro-LC-MS

Elsa Lundanes

Module 18: Single crystal X-ray diffraction

Carl Henrik G?rbitz

Module 22: Kiral separasjon LC/GC

Tore Hansen

Module 24: ICP-AES

Grethe Wibetoe

Module 25: SEM

Sissel J?rgensen

Module 27: Gammaspektroskopi

Jon Petter Omtvedt

Module 28: Str?levern

Jon Petter Omtvedt

Publisert 17. nov. 2005 13:58 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2006 19:27