
Published Feb. 8, 2007 10:28 AM

Dear students,

Teaching in module 10 "UV-Vis" is cancelled today (both lecture at 10.00 and lab at 13.00) becaused of sickness. But the module will continue as already planned friday.

Published Feb. 6, 2007 3:51 PM

Module 18 is now moved from week 16-18 to week 13-16.

Published Dec. 15, 2006 11:02 AM

The laboratory manuals for KJM-MEF4010 module 1 are now available in Classfronter for registered students. The three first (from top) manuals are the most important.

Published Dec. 12, 2006 12:42 PM

Dear all participants of module 1 - NMR. The module starts Thursday January 18. at 09.00 AM in room ? 338 (East 338) in the Chemistry Building. You will be divided in four groups and two groups will be given instructions from 09.15-12.30 and the two remaining groups will be given instructions from 13.00. On Friday January 19. you will be given further instructions at the same time. In week 4 (Jan 21.-27.) you will read the curriculum and train on the instruments by yourself. On Friday January 26. you will be tought how to use the ICON-NMR automation program (at 0900 and 1300). January 29., 30. and 31. you will be tested (1 hour) to see if you have reached a sufficient high level of competence.