
Publisert 3. juli 2019 00:06

Dear all, 

The exam (Norwegian version) with solutions (some Norwegian some English as hidden text) is uploaded on this semester page. 

God sommer


Publisert 6. juni 2019 09:01

Hi all, 

today - 10-12 - you who did not attend Tuesday can work with Exam 2018 and I will answer questions and we can discuss style and strategy. From the screen(whiteboard I expect we will go through some other exam examples that I will dig up. They will be uploaded afterwards for those who cannot attend.



Publisert 4. juni 2019 03:59

Dear all,

1. Room Curie is available for you today Tue 13-17, all day tomorrow Wed 9-17, and Thu 9-12.

2. My attendance and tentative plan for colloquia is: 

Today Tuesday 14-16: Exam 2018

Tomorrow Wednesday 12-16: Repetitions from the curriculum

Thursday: 10-12: More exam training (details to be announced)



Publisert 31. mai 2019 09:28

Dear all, 

The exam set for 2018 is now uploaded here. It is the Norwegian version, but the solutions are in English.

There will be extra teaching next week when we go through it. I am working on reserving rooms and times. Updates will follow.


Publisert 20. mai 2019 23:46

Dear all

as announced at the last lectures - last week - there will be no lectures this week or next week. Extra lectures for repetition and going through an exam set will be set up June 4-6. A schedule will come and an exam set will be posted.


Publisert 7. mai 2019 14:26

Dear all, as announced at the lectures, the lecture this Thursday May 9 is cancelled. See you next week (last ordinary week).


Publisert 22. apr. 2019 20:41

Hi all, 

we start up this week with my lectures in electrochemistry: Two hours Tuesday and Wednesday as normal, while the one hour this Thursday is cancelled.

I have uploaded the curriculum before (same as for batteries) while I have now also uploaded my two sets of slides for these weeks ahead of us. 



Publisert 9. mars 2019 11:47

Dear all, 

the lectures this week (week 11) will be the first part of the Electrochemistry. The curriculum we use - a draft version of an article on Solid-State Electrochemistry - is uploaded here on the semester page. This week is about Batteries, namely Chapter 10. It can be read without the preceding chapters, which we will take later. 

The article has some headers of chapters that are planned but not implemented. Please just neglect them - the curriculum is the completed chapters.

In week 12, we start with Thermodynamics.


Publisert 17. feb. 2019 10:56

I have uploaded an updated progress plan here on the semester page. The first week of Thermodynamics is shifted and we have instead inserted one week of Electrochemistry - namely the battery part. The curriculum in Electrochemistry will be sent to you and/or put in Canvas in beforehand.
