laboratory exercise number 5 Wedenesday 11 May, at Kjeller. We leave by taxi at 12.15. This message is now confirmed !
Lecture 28 April 10.15-12, Tor Bj?rnstad
Colloquium, Per Hoff (calculation exercises number 4) 27 April at 13.15
Last lecture 12 May, 10.15 - 12.00, Tor Bj?rnstad
Lecture on 14 April by Tor Bj?rnstad from 10.15 - 12.00
Colloquium by Tor Bj?rnstad Wednesday 13 April at 13.15, discussing liquid scintillation techniques. The institute colloquium on he same day by professor Hans Lundqvist at 15.00 is very relevant for our course and strongly recommended !!
Lecture by Tor Bj?rnstad 7 April, 10.15 - 12.00
Laboratory course (exercise 3) 6 April at 12.15. Descriptions will be given out later.
Lecture by Per Hoff Thursday 31 March at 11.15 Only one hour lecture on that day.
Colloquium number 2, Wednesday 30 March at 13.15
Laboratory course (exercise 4) 20 April at 12.15. Descriptions will be given out later.
The colloquium tomorrow starts at 13.15, not 12.15 as annonced. Sorry. (PH)
Wednesday February 9: 1st laboratory exercise at Nuclear Chemistry, room VU 55 or VK 35 (not decided by now). The exercise starts at 12.15. THe description is handed out, or can be obtained at Per Hoff's office, VU 65.
Colloquium at 13.15 Wednesday February 16. Training exercises will be handed out at the lecture on thursday February 10.(PH)