The solution for the final exam of 2006 can be found here.
The lectures are now in principle over. If you want a specific topic repeated then please send a mail to the lecturer and we will try to fit that in on the days that are left before the exam. We have not recieved any mail until now, so the next lecture will basically be repetition.
The solution manual for the mid term exam is now released and can be foun here.
The lecture on the 19th will be given by Terje Finstad according to the schedule, and will be based on chapter 7 (Diffusion). The colloquiums on the 20th will be given by Ola Nilsen, according to the schedule. BUT NOTE: the time from 1015-1200 will be used for lecture on phasediagrams.
A solution manual for colloquium tasks 2 can be found here . But be warned that it is vise to have the full explanation to things which will be given on the colloquiums.
The colloquium service has been extented and now begins at 0815 on Fridays in stead of 1015. The ending time is still 1200.
A solution manual for colloquium tasks 1 can be found here . But be warned that it is vise to have the full explanation to things which will be given on the colloquiums.
A collection of colloquium tasks have been added. Do not despair!
A tentative schedule has now been added.
NB! If somebody needs the course to be lectured in english, then please notify the lecturer as soon as possible.
F?rste forelesning er torsdag 24. august. Det vil ogs? bli forelesning fredag 25. august. Kollokviene starter etterhvert. Vi begynner med kap. 2 i pensumboka.