The suggested solution for the Exam 2005 can now be found here
There will be an additional colloquium on wednesday from 1215 - 1400 in room V172. Send in your requests for that time!
The lecture on 1/12 will be by Ola Nilsen. We will continue on magnetism and try to sum everyting up. If you have some questions from the qhole pensum, them please send me a mail about it.
Some earlier exam tasks are now available.
The pensum list has gone through a final touchup. Check it out.
Important: We appologise that the pensum list presented on the web was not complete. The chapter 14: Optical materials, is also a part of the pensum.
A Norwegian version of a solution manual for the midterm exam can be found here.
Terje Finstad will begin his lectures this thursday with focus on chapter 7, Diffusion
During the colloquium today we managed to go through task 2 in sett 3. We did not touch task 1. The solution suggestion is for sett 3 is now public.
There will be a midterm exam at 11.october. This exam will concern chapters 2,3,4 and some issues of chapter 5, depending on how far we come in the collocviums on Friday 30th. The aids you are allowed to bring on the exam except for normal pencil contents are: Calculator, rulers, colour pens. A periodic table of elements will be provided.