We have completed the the lectures and problem sessions. Here are some additional exercises:
EP 5.6: 26; 5.7: 28;
EP 7.3: 34, 36.
Lecture notes on Optimal Control Theory (and the Calculus of Variations)
(This is a preliminary version. It will be updated and completed later.)
The lecture/problem session on Wednesday March 28, at 1215-14, is cancelled because of midterm exams.
Old exam problems can be found under Oppgaver
to the left on this page.
As stated in the Syllabus, we will be using the book:
Syds?ter, Seierstad og Str?m, Matematisk analyse - bind 2,
in addition to Edwards & Penney.
Those who prefer English may instead use the book: Seierstad and Syds?ter, Optimal control theory with economic applications, or the book Knut Syds?ter et al.: Further mathematics for economic analysis.
Student representative for the course is:
Torunn Heggland (torunheg at