Course content

The course is an introduction to geometry in the plane and in 3-space. Central geometric topics that were not included in the beginner courses are emphasised. The course contains a classification of symmetries (rigid motions) in the plane and in 3-space, considerations on triangles and circles of the ancient greek plane geometry, geometric and analytic descriptions of conic sections, and geometry in the projective plane. The course is especially well suited for teacher students and is meant to build geometric intuition in preparation for more abstract mathematics.

Learning outcome

After completing the course you

  • can compute properties of elementary geometric objects in a way that supports intuition and understanding in mathematical and science studies and give necessary background for high school teaching
  • know the different rigid motions in Euclidean spaces and the symmetries of the plane and can analyze and compute them in specific instances
  • know the relation between the Platonic solids and symmetries in 3-space
  • can use the classical plane geometric theorems, including the theorems of Menelaos and Ceva, in the study of triangles and conic sections in the plane
  • can use analytic methods to determine loci of points in the plane, including conic sections
  • know the properties of the projective plane and can use linear algebra both to deduce geometric propositions in the projective and the Euclidean plane
  • can give a written presentation of a selected geometric topic in the form of a project assignment.

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for?in Studentweb.

Special admission requirements

In addition to fulfilling the Higher Education Entrance Qualification, applicants have to meet the following special admission requirements:

  • Mathematics R1 (or Mathematics S1 and S2) + R2

And in addition one of these:

  • Physics (1+2)

  • Chemistry (1+2)

  • Biology (1+2)

  • Information technology (1+2)

  • Geosciences (1+2)

  • Technology and theories of research (1+2)

The special admission requirements may also be covered by equivalent studies from Norwegian upper secondary school or by other equivalent studies (in Norwegian).

Overlapping courses

  • 3 credits overlap with MAT0150V.
  • 2 credits overlap with MAT0140V.


4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercise sessions per week throughout the semester.


Final written exam which counts 100 % towards the final grade.?

This course has 1 mandatory assignment (project) that must be approved before you can sit the final exam.

Examination support material

No examination support material is allowed.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in Norwegian. You may submit your response in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

This course offers both postponed and resit of examination. Read more:

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 22, 2025 6:16:31 PM

Facts about this course

Teaching language