Dear all,
I will be available for questions on Zoom and on Padlet from 09:30–10:00 and from 12:00–13:00 11:00–12:00 during the resit exam on 19 January.
The Zoom and Padlet links will be published here on the morning of the exam. Click here for the Zoom room and here for the Padlet.
Best regards,
Dear all,
I have uploaded the exam and a suggested solution.
Update 26/12: The point distribution was as follows: 1a) 10p, 1b) 5p, 2a) 5p, 2b) 5p, 2c) 10p, 3a) 10p, 3b) 5p, 4a) 5p, 4b) 10p, 5a) 10p, 5b) 5p, 6a) 5p, 6b) 5p, 6c) 10p. In total: 100p.
Have a great holiday!
Best regards,
I have updated the "Exam info" page (see the front page) with some more info on the exam, as well as some suggested exercises.
Dear all,
Due to the new restrictions in Oslo, I have decided that the repetition lectures will be held digitally on Zoom. Although I plan to record the lectures, I hope that as many of you as possible will join the live broadcast, both for your own sake and mine.
I have received only one request for the repetitions so far, so please let me know if you have any wishes!
Best regards,
--English below--
Til deg som skal ha digital hjemmeeksamen ved Matematisk institutt h?sten 2020.
Generelt gjelder f?lgende:
- Eksamenstid er 4 timer. Det gis i tillegg 30 min ekstra tid til scanning og opplasting av PDF.
- Alle hjelpemidler er tillatt (f.eks. l?rebok, nettressurser, matematisk programvare osv.).
- Det er ikke tillatt ? 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录e eller kommunisere med andre under eksamen om oppgavene.
- Man kan trekkes ut til samtale for ? kontrollere eierskap til sin besvarelse. Samtalen har ikke innvirkning p? sensuren/karakteren, men kan lede til at instituttet oppretter fuskesak. Les mer om hva som regnes som fusk p? UiOs nettsider: /om/regelverk/studier/studier-eksamener/fuskesaker/
- For?vrig gjelder informasjonen p? nettsiden om eksamensavvikling ved MN h?sten 2020: https:...
Dear all,
The new restrictions in Oslo Kommune will not affect this course; lectures and tutorials will continue as before. Please consult UiO's Corona website and Oslo Kommune's website for up-to-date guidelines.
Dear all,
As you might have heard, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has decided that the exam will be a "digital" exam. Here is what I know so far:
- There will be no exams in Silurveien. You will need to write the exam at home or another suitable location.
- The exam date and time is as before. In particular, the exam lasts 4 hours.
- At the start of the exam you can access the exam problems through Inspera. You must submit your answers by scanning them (or taking pictures of them) and uploading to Inspera.
- The grade will be A–F, as usual.
More information will follow, in particular with regards to what aids you may use, and what measures we will enforce to prevent cheating.
Best regards,
Sorry for spamming you with messages, but there was a typo in equation (2) in Oblig 2. This has now been amended.
Dear all,
This morning I accidentally uploaded oblig2.pdf containing solutions to each problem. This has now been fixed.
I ask everyone who has downloaded the file containing solutions to delete it and download the latest version instead. I trust that you will all act as responsible adults in this regard.
Best regards,
Today's lecture is cancelled. Also, oblig 2 has just been published, have fun!
Best regards,
Dear all,
- Elin and Lasse have been kind enough to volunteer as student representatives. I am meeting them on Wednesday 14 October. Please contact them about any complaints or feedback you might have before that. This includes difficulty/pace of lectures, difficulty or scope of weekly problems, the Tuesday tutorials, and more. I am particularly interested if you might have suggestions for how to improve the quality of lectures.
- Starting from week 41, I have marked some weekly problems in red. Please read the message at the top of the Exercises page.
Best regards,
The attendance on the Wednesday morning teaching sessions has been low throughout the semester. Today no-one showed up. Therefore we cancel these sessions for the rest of the semester.
Dear all,
Here are a few messages.
- Thursday lectures will from now on be held in Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 4.
- I have received several questions about problem 3(d) in oblig 1. It turns out that the answer depends on the value of c: For small values of c, the answer might be the opposite of that for large values of c. Since we are mostly interested in the asymptotic behavior (when c→∞), you may assume that c is large.
- I have uploaded the LaTeX source file for the problem sheet. You may use it as a template for your submission if you wish.
- I have written a note on the Monte Carlo method. We will study this method next week. Please let me know if you find any mistakes.
Have a nice weekend!
Best regards,
There was an error in eq. (4) in the mandatory assignment: j/(kh) should have been (j/k)h. The PDF has now been updated. (Thanks, Marie!)
A student has made me aware (via Ulrik) that I had misinterpreted exercise 3.12. In particular, we were supposed to glue the piecewise polynomials together at the "interior knots" and not at the "knots" in this exercise. The idea of the exercise remains the same, but the expressions become slightly different, and they agree with what can be found in the book. I've posted a new solution to this exercise under "Teaching sessions" now. Hopefully, everything is correct now, but let me know if you find typos. This exercise contains a lot of indices.
Today's lecture was cancelled due to a double booking. I'm sorry for not informing you earlier.
See you tomorrow!
Best regards,
Since I record lectures using Zoom, and Zoom takes 10-15 minutes to post-process recordings, I will not always have time to upload the recording right after the lecture. Please feel free to remind me if it takes more than a couple of days to upload the recording.
Best regards,
Today we only had five participants on the morning teaching session from 8:15-10. This is not enough to continue hosting two identical groups. Starting next week, we will do a standard "gruppetime" on Tuesdays with some discussion exercises and the possibility to ask for help if you are struggling with an exercise. On Wednesdays, we'll do a "plenumsregning" from 9:15-10:00 in VB5. This means that I will present solutions to a subset of the weekly exercises. The sessions on Wednesdays will also be available via Zoom in Canvas, but not recorded so that people can ask questions in person. If the attendance on the Wednesdays keeps reducing, they might be removed completely.
I've put out the discussion exercises from this week and some notes from today's teaching session in the course schedule.
tomorrow (Tuesday) we will have our first teaching session ("gruppetime"). This week I will also host a similar session on Wednesday morning, but if I experience a low attendance on these mornings sessions, they will be cancelled. The teaching sessions will not be digital, but if anyone is restricted from attending these teaching sessions due to, for example, quarantine, do let me know and I will see if I can arrange for something.
Best wishes,
If you are signed up for this course, but do not plan to take the exam, please unregister in order to make room for other students. There are students waiting to sign up for the course.
Best regards,
Dear all,
The lecture times have changed in order to enable as many students at a time as possible. The new lecture times are:
- Wednesdays 10:15-12:00, starting 19 August
- Thursdays 10:15-12:00, starting 20 August.
The lecture rooms are Georg Sverdrups hus aud. 1 and Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus aud. 1, respectively (but please consult the course schedule in case of changes). These rooms are big enough to host all of you at once. Lectures will still be both recorded and broadcast live on Zoom; you will find the Zoom link in Canvas.
Guest students (students who are not registered for the course but attend lectures): Please register your attendance in this form.
In addition, Vegard Antun will offer tutorials ("gruppetimer"), to begin with both on Tuesday 12:15...
Welcome to MAT3110 – Introduction to numerical analysis!
This course will be taught in auditorium 4 in Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus various auditoria and simultaneously broadcast on Zoom. Due to GDPR restrictions the lectures will not be recorded, but I will upload my smart board handwriting after each lecture. I plan to publish recordings of my lectures online. Zoom participants can ask questions by sending a chat message during the lecture.
Due to infection prevention guidelines, the auditorium's capacity has been reduced to 30 students. In order to ensure a fair distribution of seats, you will only be guaranteed a seat in about half of the lectures. I will distribute students into groups by Friday 21 August. (See the new message.)
All of this is likely to change during the semester, so please pay attention to any new messages on the course homepage.
Best regards,