It is worth pointing out a pretty significant misprint in Aigner. In the statement of Theorem 6.4., the condition for being bipartite should be that all circuits have even length, not "the same length" as written.
I have now posted the mandatory assignment. Submission in Canvas by Thursday 13 March 14:30.
Today's lecture (18 Feb) is cancelled due to illness. We will begin the graph theory part of the course on Monday, and the planned topic of today's lecture (asymptotic analysis, Section 5.1 of Aigner) will not be covered in lectures.
I've uploaded the past exams and practice exams with solutions from the course MAT2250 (equivalent to this one) to this folder.
Problem 1.2c) in the weekly problems had a mistake in it (I wrote (m,n) and meant (n,m)), which made the statement you were asked to prove wrong. This is corrected now.
I'm away next week, so lectures on Monday and Tuesday are cancelled. I have updated to the file with practice problems with more problems to work on.
Welcome to the problems sessions on Wednesday!
The plan for the problem sessions is:
14:15-15 Traditional problem session where you work on the weekly problems and ask for help if you need.
15:15-15:45 I solve some of the problems on the board - you vote for which ones I should solve.
15:45-16 Quiz on about the topics this week! I will keep track of the scores during the semester and the winner gets a price.
The course textbook is apparently available from the campus bookshop "soon". It is also available from the AMS bookstore.
The student representative for this course is Ludvig Wang (
Hello and welcome to MAT3250 - Discrete Mathematics. A few points about the course:
- We will use Martin Aigner's Discrete Mathematics as a textbook. I have posted a preliminary syllabus with a list of sections covered. This will probably change at some point and I will post a final version once lectures are done.
- Lectures with me on Monday and Tuesday, "problem sessions" with Anne Brug?rd on Wednesday.
- I will post practice problems for the topics covered at the start of each week. These will all be in the link above, to be updated each week.
- I plan to upload scanned copies of my lecture notes to the folder Lecture notes. I will also add links to these from the ...