Regarding the note found here, which I mentioned in a previous message could be used in your preparations for the exam: These are meant as a guide to material to repeat, rather than a complete list of what you should look at (those notes were used in a previous version of the course, and in particular it does not mention topics from chapter 5 and 6 in [1], which also are important to look at). In the exam you can expect questions from anywhere in the curriculum!
See you next thursday (26. november)!
Information regarding time and place for the exam, and some practical information, can be found here. On tuesday we can talk together about what kind of questions you can expect. In addition to the notes for the course, you can also prepare using the old exams which are linked to from the couse page.
I have updated solutions to exercises with the exercises in [3], as well as with solutions to the compulsory exercises.
7 students will take the exam, so it should be possible to examinate everyone on 26. november. The meeting 17/11 will be the last before the exam, and we can talk through any questions you have about the exam then.
Regarding preparation for the exam, You may take a look at the note found here (taken from a previous version of this course), regarding main topics you really should know about.
The topic of today's meeting is the last chapter in [2]. Again I will not go through the material, rather answer questions you have, and address some issues I found in the text: Some issues in this chapter should have been written out more in detail, and I have added these details in the solutions to the exercises instead (see just before solutions to exercises in [2]).
The last part of this chapter is perhaps more informal, and should also have included more detail and examples.
It seems that the exercises in [2] are mostly related to chapter 4, so that chapters 2 and 3 (the material for tomorrow's meeting) are mostly reading. Nevertheless, I will be there tomorrow, helping out with the theory, or with the compulsory exercise, which has deadline on Thursday 1430.
Remember that the deadline for the compulsory exercise in MAT4120 is Thursday 22/10 at 1430. Deliveries are handed in using canvas, use the button "logg p? canvas" above.
Solutions to exercises have been updated with exercises from chapter 6 in [1], and [2]. I have also added some comments filling out the details in Theorem 1.2 in [2].
I just sent an email to your UIO-address about possible dates for the oral exam. The suggested dates are 26/11 and 30/11. Please reply to me if this is satisfactory, and which date suits best.
I have decided that the compulsory exercise will consist of the 8 exercises that are marked in boldface in the week plan. I have opened an assignment in canvas, so it should be possible to hand it in already now. The deadline is three weeks from now (22/10 at 1430).
On Tuesday I plan to spend some time on the proof of Theorem 1.2 in [2], where some important details should have been added in the text. Other than that we will at the exercises in the week plan.
The week plan has been updated with exercises for the next two weeks. The solution manual has also been updated with exercises including chapter 5 in [1]. Note that there are much fewer exercises in the references [2] and [3], so that we may focus more on the theory and proofs therein.
Solutions to exercises have now been updated with solutions from chapter 2 and 3.
One of you had a print of the introduction to convexity, in which there was a small difference in the numbering of the exercises. This was a version from the beginning of the semester in which I had made one change: Exercise 3.17 in the old version was renamed to exercise 4.7 in the new version. This resulted in a change of the numbering of the succeeding exercises.
The week plan has been updated with exercises from chapter 4 and 5 in [1]. I plan to publish solutions to the exercises including chapter 3 by tomorrow.
Some of you pointed out that there was a collision with the exam date for MAT4410. It turns out, however, that the MAT4120 exam already had been decided to be oral, in which case we are flexible on the exam date. We probably have to split the exam over two days anyway, since we are about 10 students. Let us discuss possible dates when the exam draws closer.
I have also put a link to the old exams I could find on the course web page.
The week plan has now been updated with exercises for the next two weeks (chapter 2 and 3 in [1]). Some exercises are in boldface. Those are compulsory, i.e., they will be handed in altogether at the deadline of the compulsory exercise.
I have also published solutions to all exercises from chapter 1. Solutions to the (non-compulsory) exercises from chapter 2 and 3 will be published after our next meeting.
Our meetings will be held every second Tuesday in room 1119 in NHA from 1415 to 1600, starting 25th of August. As this is a self study course this will not be a lecture, rather we will discuss problematic parts of the text together, and do selected exercises. I have updated the semester plan with exercises from chapter 1.
I will provide solutions to most exercises after each meeting.
Jeg har lagt ut et forslag til en ukeplan p? kurssidene. Den tar utgangspunkt i at dere begynner med et kapittel fra pensum allerede neste uke, og at vi m?tes f?rste gangen uka etter det. Deretter tenkte jeg at vi kunne m?tes annenhver uke frem til eksamen. Jeg har ogs? satt opp en frist for den obligatoriske oppgaven.
Velkommen til MAT4120! Pensumlista for kurset er oppdatert. Litteraturen vil bli oppdatert n?rmere kursstart.Det er ikke satt opp tidpunkter for forelesningene i timeplanen. Vi kan avtale forelesningstider i august, og vi m? ikke n?dvendigvis ha ukentlige forelesninger.