
Publisert 6. mai 2019 15:23

Tue May 7:

Sections 3.2-3.4  in Geiges "Contact Geometry".

Thu May 9:

Open books and Lefschetz fibrations, following Geiges "Contact Geometry" Section 3.5.1 and Sections 2.2-2.3 in by Sylvain Courte.

Tue May 14:

More on Lefschetz fibrations, following Sections 3-5 of Exotic symplectic manifolds from Lefschetz fibrations by Maksim Maydanskiy.

Thu May 16:

TIght and overtwisted, Section 3.6 and 3.7 in Geiges "Contact Geometry".

Tue May 21:
Cancelled due to ...

Publisert 11. apr. 2019 15:26

Tue April 23:

Moved to Friday


Thu April 25:

More on handle attachment: smoothing corners and framings (Geiges book Sections 6.1, 6.2, 3.5)


Fri April 26 (14:15-16:00 in 1120):

Problem solving session 4


Tue April 30:

h-principles (Section 6.3 in the book by Geiges)


Thu May 2:

Sections 3.1-3.2  in Geiges "Contact Geometry"


Publisert 1. apr. 2019 15:00

Tue April 2:

Sections 2.2-2.4.2 in Geiges 


Thu April 4:

Sections 2.4.3- 2.4.5 in Geiges


Tue April 9:

Sections 2.4.4 and 2.6 in Geiges


Thu April 11:

Weinstein manifolds and Weinstein handle attachment, following

Publisert 15. mars 2019 13:01

Tue March 19:

No lecture due to the The Abel Prize announcement 


Thu March 21:

Sections 28-30 of Cannas da Silva (Symplectic toric manifolds)


Tue March 26:

Problem solving session


Thu March 28:

Contact manifolds: We begin to study Section 2 of Geiges' notes

Publisert 1. mars 2019 11:24

Tue March 5:

Sections 18,24 of Cannas da Silva (Integrable systems and reduction) 


Thu March 7:

Section 25 of Cannas da Silva (Moment map in gauge theory)


Tue March 12:

Section 26 of Cannas da Silva (Existence and uniqueness of moment maps)


Thu March 14:

Section 27 of Cannas da Silva (Convexity). We will meet in room 819.


Publisert 14. feb. 2019 14:36

Tue Feb 19:

Sections 14-15 of Cannas da Silva (Dolbeault theory and Complex manifolds)


Thu Feb 21:

Sections 16-17 of Cannas da Silva (K?hler forms and Compact K?hler manifolds)


Tue Feb 26:

Problem solving session, Problem sheet 2


Thu Feb 28:

Hamiltonian actions, da Silva Section 21-23

Publisert 31. jan. 2019 14:29

Tue Feb 5:

Sections 1-4 in Sandon, Generating functions in Symplectic Topology


Thu Feb 7:

Sections 5-7, 16 in Sandon


Tue Feb 12:

No lecture since there is a pr?veforelesning about the Hodge conjecture at the same time.


Thu Feb 14:

Sections 12-13 of Cannas da Silva (Almost complex structures and compatible triples)

Publisert 18. jan. 2019 10:45

Tue Jan 22:

Section 3: Lagrangian submanifolds + Section 6.1: Isotopies and Vector fields + Section 18.1: Hamiltonian and Symplectic vector fields


Thu Jan 24 and Tue Jan 29:

Sections 6-8 : Local Forms


Thu Jan 31:

Problem solving session 1. See the folder Oppgaver for suggested exercises.

Publisert 18. jan. 2019 10:28

The lectures at Thursdays will be held at 10.00-11.45 instead of 9.15-11.00. We will still meet in NHA 1020.

Publisert 8. jan. 2019 14:08

The first part of the course will mainly follow the book

"Lectures on symplectic geometry" by Ana Cannas da. Silva. It is available at