
Published Mar. 10, 2025 2:03 PM

The syllabus is chapters 4, 5, 6, 8 and 11.1-11.10 and the lecture notes on fractional step methods. Chapter 8 is more or less replaced by these lecture notes.

Other than that chapter 7 discusses solutions techniques for the linear algebra problem assembled through the finite volume method. This is something that we always outsource (Numpy, Scipy or OpenFOAM's own linear algebra solvers), and as such it is not part of the syllabus. Chapter 9 gives a little bit more detail about how to fix boundary conditions in more than 1 dimensions, but it is very much adapted to the staggered mesh approach, which is not really much used in practise. Hence ch. 9 is not syllabus. Chapter 10 could be helpful for the project and is a recommended read, but is not part of the syllabus. Chapters 12 and 13 cover CFD for combustion and is not syllabus.

Published Mar. 9, 2025 5:44 PM

This Monday we have the final lecture on the final topic, which is chapter 11 of the CFD book. The second half of this course is dedicated to individual CFD projects and there will be no more lectures.

Week 11 you need to schedule a meeting with me to discuss a project. The sooner you get started with the project the better. A project description will need to be ready by 21/3.

Published Mar. 9, 2025 5:36 PM

The answers to the mandatory exercises should be submitted to me by mail as a pdf.

Published Mar. 2, 2025 9:26 PM

I have to cancel the lecture on Monday 3/3. However, this weeks topic have very good lecture notes that are well suited for self-study.

This week it is important that you work on the mandatory exercises using OpenFOAM. It is also very important that you start to think about a project to fill the second half of this semester. Please send me an email so that we can schedule an individual meeting this week to discuss possible projects.

Published Feb. 12, 2025 10:48 AM

The mandatory exercises are given here. This weeks assignment about implementing TVD can bee seen to correspond to the first assignment. The remaining exercises we will get back to soon as they require the use of the OpenFOAM software. The final deadline for the mandatory exercises is not until late March and I will get back later with the exact date.

Published Feb. 3, 2025 5:20 PM

has been published here

Published Jan. 28, 2025 10:56 AM

However, you should still do the weekly assignment, which is to implement a solver for example 5.1 in the V&M book, cases 1, 2, and 3. Please send me an email or visit my office (906 in NHA) if you want some assistance.

Published Jan. 22, 2025 11:51 AM

can be found here

Published Jan. 16, 2025 10:08 AM

Neste uke starter kurset. Vi kommer til ? starte litt forsiktig, og vi starter i kapittel 4 av pensumboka. Det er viktig ? skaffe denne boka og gj?re seg litt kjent med den. Les gjerne gjennom de f?rste to kapitlene som selvstudie. Det f?rste kapittelet er bare en ganske kort introduksjon til hva CFD er og brukes til. Kapittel 2.1-2.5 gir en utledning av Navier-Stokes og energi likningene ved ? benytte en kontrollvolum fremgangsm?te. Dette er nyttig siden denne fremgangsm?ten ogs? er sentral for endelig volum metoden som vi starter med i neste uke og kapittel 4. Kap 2.6-2.11 er ikke veldig viktige for kurset, men nyttig kunnskap ? ha s? det skader ikke ? se igjennom de ogs?. Kapittel 3 handler om turbulens, som er veldig sentralt for CFD. De aller, aller fleste CFD simuleringer er av turbulent str?mning. Se gjerne igjennom kap 3 ogs?, men jeg kommer til ? g? utifra at turbulens ...