The oral exam Wednesday 12 August for the deferred/new exam will take place in room B81 at the 8th floor of Niels Henrik Abel's house ("the mathematics building").
The project exam for the deferred/new exam is given here . Instructions on how you should read the data for the exercises into R is given here . (If you use another program than R, you should send an e-mail to to get the data.) The deadline for handing in the solutions is Monday August 10th at 2 pm (if you have not made another agreement with ?rnulf Borgan). Students who handed in a project exam in May, may chose whether they want to keep this or hand in the defferred/new project exam.
The deferred exam for students who due valid reasons were unable to take the ordinary exam, and the new exam for candidates who withdraw from or failed the ordinary exam, will be arranged as follows:
- A project exam will be made available at the course web-page on August 3rd. The deadline will be August 10th.
- Thereafter there will be an oral exam (not written) August 12th.
Students who handed in a project exam in May, may chose whether they want to keep this or hand in the new one.
Note that the deadline for registration for the exam is August 2nd; see here for details.
The students should remember to bring an approved calculator and statistical tables at the written exam; cf. below.
As announced earlier, the written exam (3 hours) will take place Monday June 8th at 9 am. All printed and hand-written resources and approved calculator are allowed at the exam. The students should themselves bring tables for the t-distribution, F distribution, and chi-square distribution at the exam (see Statistical tables ). The exam problems will be given in English, but the students may write their solutions in Norwegian or English as they like.
The project exam is given here . Instructions on how you should read the data for the exercises into R is given here . (If you use another program than R, you should send an e-mail to to get the data.) The deadline for handing in the solutions is Friday May 29th at 2 pm. Note that you are not allowed to collaborate with others on the project exam.
Here is a list of the students who have got the compulsory assignment approved. If you have handed in the compulsory assignment and do not find your name on the list, please contact ?rnulf Borgan (
The second week with teaching in STK4900/9900 is next week, i.e. 4-8 May. The slides for the lectures are now available under Lectures .
A summary of the answers to the questionaire is given here (in Norwegian).
The compulsory assignment for STK4900/9900 is now avaiblable. The deadline is 21 April.
H?kon Kvale Stensland ( and Endre Gr?vik ( are elected as student representatives for STK4900/9900.
As a service, copies of the slides have been provided for the first two lectures. However, copies of the slides will not be provided for the remaining lectures, so the student will have to print their own copies.
The exercises in STK4900 will consist of two parts: practical exercises (using R on computers) and theoretical exercises (using calculator, pen, and paper). The students should bring a calculator for the theoretical exercises.
The time for the first week of STK4900 (and STK9900) is getting closer. This is just to remind the participants that the course is based on knowledge of statistics corresponding to STK1000 . The participants are strongly recommended to refresh their knowledge of basic statistical ideas (e.g. estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, P-values) and methods (e.g. t-tests, t-based confidence intervals, simple linear regression).
The lectures and exercise classes in STK4900/STK9900 will take place Monday to Friday in weeks 12 og 19 (16-20 March and 4-8 May). In these weeks there will be lectures 9.15-12.00 in auditorium 2, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus and computer exercises 13.15-16.00 in room C207, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus.