
Publisert 7. mai 2014 09:27

The lecture today was the final one before exam (Tuesday June 3). You can download the entire folder with course relevant material (lectures, exercises, mandatory assignment, ...) at [Link]. Please make sure to check information about "Permitted aids/Hjelpemidler" at the [Link].

Publisert 9. apr. 2014 10:20

Easter vacation is coming up. The next lecture is Wed. April 23.

Publisert 24. feb. 2014 07:46

The mandatory assignment has been posted [More].

The assignment must be handed in before 14:30 on Thursday, March 6, 2014, at the reception of the Department of Mathematics, the 7th floor of Niels Henrik Abel’s hus, Blindern. Be careful to give reasons for your answers. To have a passing grade you must have correct answers to at least 50% of the questions and moreover have attempted to solve all of them.

Publisert 9. feb. 2014 18:58

There will be no lectures during week 8 (Feb 17 & 19). Use the available time for self-study/exercises. I have posted a series of exercises under timeplan/Feb 26.

Publisert 9. feb. 2014 18:49

The student representative is Christina Imdahl (christina”dot"imdahl”at”googlemail”dot”com). Any comments or suggestions regarding the course (e.g., lectures, exercises,  book, etc.) can be communicated to her.

Publisert 20. jan. 2014 10:12

Starting Wednesday January 22, the lecture room is B1036. The (only) exception is Wednesday March 5, room B70.

Publisert 7. jan. 2014 08:22

The first lecture is on Monday Jan 13, 08:15, room NHA Sem.rom B71 (735). 

Link to handwritten lecture notes (as PDF files) can be found here [More]. This dropbox folder will be updated regularly throughout the semester (mostly on Thursdays). Lecture set #1 for week 3 (Jan 13 & 15) is now available.