
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
14.01.2005Snorre Christiansen? Vilhelm Bjerknes Auditorium 2? Introduction? Practical information and overview of the course?
18.01.2005Snorre? Vilhelm Bjerknes Auditorium 3? Definitions, first order scalar linear equations. Integrating factor.? Robinson p. 75-78, chapter 9.?
21.01.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? Exercises? Based on Rob. chapter 9 (including §9.4). Exercises 9.1, 9.2, 9.7.?
25.01.2005Snorre? VB Aud 3? Exercises? Rob. ex. 9.8.

Exercises 1.1 to 3.2 in notes provided under "undervisningsmateriale".?

28.01.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? Gronwall's lemma. Lipschitz continuity. Uniqueness of solutions. ? Mat. Mol. §II.1?
01.02.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? Separable equations? Rob. chap. 8?
04.02.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? Exercises? From "Notes_1" provided in undervisnings materiale. ?
08.02.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? More tricks? Exact equations. Rob. chap. 10?
11.02.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? Exercises? Rob. Chap. 8: 8.1(i and ii), 8.2, 8.8, 8.10. Notes 1: 3.3?
15.02.2005Snorre? VB Aud 2? Changes of variables. Some qualitative properties (multidimensional case).? End of Rob. chap 10. Curve and orbit associated with a solution. Stationary points.?
18.02.2005? ? ? Rob. chap 10: 10.1 (i) and (ii), 10.3, 10.4. Notes 3 ?
22.02.2005? ? Cauchy-Lipschitz (without complete proof) and 1D phase diagrams. ? Rob. chap. 6-7. Notion of maximal solution.?
25.02.2004? ? ? Notes 1: all remaining ex. up to 3.3. Notes 3: ex. 1.1. Notes 4: ex. 1.1.?
01.03.2005? ? Linear equations? Highorder linear scalar equation. Reformulation as a first order system.?
04.03.2005? ? ? Rob. 7.1 (i and ii), 7.3, 7.8, 7.9. E&P, ex. 27 p. 41.?
08.03.2005? ? LInear equations? Highorder scalar linear equations with constant coefficients. Read Edwards & Penney Chap 2 §2.1, 2.2, 2.3.?
11.03.2005? ? ? Last minute exercises for midterm. Rob. 6.2 (correct it!), 6.3, 10.1(iii) and Notes 4 ex. 1.1 with f(x)=log(1+x)/x, f(0)= 1. ?
15.03.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? Eksamensuke?
18.03.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? Eksamensuke?
22.03.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? P?skeferie?
25.03.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? Langfredag?
29.03.2005? ? Linear equations? Linear independence, Wronskian, Vandermonde determinant.?
01.04.2005? ? ? Comments on Midterm exam and linear independence of functions.?
05.04.2005? ? Linear equations? Chapter 2 in E&P continued: §2.5.?
08.04.2005? ? ? Notes 7. Ex 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4.?
12.04.2005? ? Vibrations? Mechanical vibrations, electric circuits. Resonance. E&P §2.4, 2.6, 2.7.?
15.04.2005? ? ? E&P §2.1: 30,32;

E&P §2.3: 35;

E&P §2.5: 1, 21, 41. ?

19.04.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? Foreleser er utenlands.?
22.04.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? Foreleser er utenlands.?
26.04.2005? ? Linear systems of equations? E&P Chapter 5. §5.1. Some help with the compulsory exercise.?
29.04.2005? ? ? E&P §2.4: 8, 12, 35-38;

E&P §2.6: 20.?

03.05.2005? ? LInear systems of equations? Elimination and Eigenvalue method. E&P §5.2 and §5.4 (§5.3 is assumed known).?
06.05.2005? ? ? §5.1, ex. 1, 11, 21, 24.?
10.05.2005? ? ? Multiple eigenvalues and start of matrix exponentials. E&P §5.6, §5.7.?
13.05.2005? ? ? Correction of the compulsory exercise.?
17.05.2005? ? Ingen undervisning? 17 mai!?
20.05.2005? ? ? Ex 1, 3, 17 and 38 §5.4 in E&P.?
24.03.2005? ? ? Matrix exponentials continued. Variation of parameters. E&P §5.8, §5.9.?
27.05.2005? ? ? §5.4: ex 11, 15. §5.6: ex 1, 11, 33. Notes 8.?
31.05.2005? ? ? Summary of the year. See also §31 in Robinson (summary for 2 coupled linear equations).?
03.06.2003? ? ? Questions from the audience. Or ex E&P §5.7 ex 9, 21, 25; §5.8 ex 17.?
07.06.2005? ? ? Eksamensuke?
10.06.2005? ? ? Eksamensuke?
14.06.2005? ? ? Eksamen?
Publisert 14. jan. 2005 14:36 - Sist endret 31. mai 2005 13:50