
Published Dec. 5, 2006 4:36 PM

You will find a link to a solution of the final examam below:

Solution of exam 4/12- 2006

Published Nov. 24, 2006 4:49 PM

I will proceed solving old exams next Wednesday (see the list of problems). There will be no teaching Friday December 1.

Published Nov. 24, 2006 12:53 PM

To day I will do problem 3 a) of exam MA 254 3/6 2002, and then look at MA 354 16/12-96.

Published Nov. 24, 2006 12:39 PM

Here comes some piece of advice for the final exam:

The exam will be a three hour exam. In my opinion this is rather short. If you are very careful writing out your arguments in a very detailed manner, this may take so much time that you have to leave some of the questions blank. Therefore I think the best thing is to emphasize the crucial details in the arguments and then write down the more trivial and perhaps standard argument in a rather brief but concise manner. It is of course up to your own judgement how detailed the arguments ought to be writtten down, but it would be a pity if you have to leave out qustions you know how to solve.

Published Nov. 21, 2006 5:19 PM

I have finished lecturing from the the text book and I will now only do the assigned problems (old exam problems) both on Wednesday and Friday. As for the syllabus I have now made precise which proofs I have excluded from the syllabus(see the link for the syllabus on the head page).

Published Nov. 8, 2006 10:28 AM

Today I will start lecturing from chapter 10

Published Oct. 31, 2006 6:24 PM

I remind you that deadline for handing in the compulsory assignement is Friday 3/11, 14.30 at the "ekspedisjonskontoret" 7. floor, departement of mathematics. N.H.Abels house.

I will have corrected what you have turned in during Wedenesday 8/11 and you can read on the web wether your work have been approved in the afternoon this Wednesday. If your work is not approved but you are allowed to turn in a corrected version, deadline for this second version will be Wednesday 15/11 14.30.

Tomorrow I will lecture from chapter 9 and I will proceed with this also on Friday 3/11 (so there will be no problem session this Friday)

Published Oct. 25, 2006 3:31 PM

I have not assigned any new problems this week. The reasons for this are; that I guess you will be rather busy with the compulsory assignement, that we have a certain backlog of old problems and that I need to use parts of the Friday lessons for ordinary lecturing

Published Oct. 20, 2006 1:36 PM

On Wednesday October 18. I proved The Radon Nikodym Theorem (in the case where the measure space was finite). I also proved 8.11. Today I will do exercises (those announced for the week 40 and 41). Next Wednesday I will complete chapter 8, but I will probably only sketch the proofs of 8.14 and 8.15 and then proceed with chapter 9.

Published Oct. 20, 2006 12:12 PM

The problemset for the compulsory assignement (Deadline November 3.) is now available on this homepage. You find the problemset following the link below the headline Compulsory assignement on the left on the head-page.

Published Oct. 4, 2006 7:23 PM

To day I started on chapter 8, I proved Hahn Decomposition Theorem 8.2 and also 8.3-8.7. Next week the Bachelor coarses have mid-terms exam and since this is a combined 3000/4000 subject there will not be (acording to a decision made by the faculty) any teaching neither on Wednesday 11. nor Friday 13. in week 41 .

Published Sep. 27, 2006 6:19 PM

So far I have lectured the chapters 1-6 and 7.1-7.4. Next Wednesday I will start on chapter 8. On the Fridays I proceed doing exercises

Published Sep. 6, 2006 1:37 PM

So far I have lectured chapter 2, 3 and 4. I will start on chapter 5 today.

Moreover I have a message (in Norwegian) from some student representatives, namely :

Studentenes N?ringslivsutvalg (SNU) ble stiftet tirsdag 29 august 2006. Vi ?nsker folk.

Published Aug. 28, 2006 1:32 PM

All students requiring English translations of their exam papers must report this using "StudentWeb" before September 1st

Published Aug. 24, 2006 1:45 PM

Temporarily we will move the lectures (both on Wednesday and on Friday) to Auditorium 4 in the chemistry building. Auditorium 4 is located at the western part of the chemistry buildning and is close to the cafeteria in this building. First lecture in Aud 4 will be tomorrow (Friday).

Published Aug. 22, 2006 4:11 PM

Velkommen til h?sten forelesninger i m?l og integrasjonsteori. Jeg har desverre hatt store problemer med ? f? lagt ut noe p? hjemmesiden (grunnet datatr?bbel p? sentralt hold). Jeg har n? f?tt lagt ut forl?pig pensum. Forelesningene begynner alts? imorgen (se tid og sted). Jeg kommer ikke til ? sette opp noen tempoplan, men vil forelese avsnittene i pensum i den rekkef?lge de st?r i boka og s? skrive en kort rapport over hvor langt jeg er kommet etter hver uke.