
Publisert 14. des. 2007 10:34

The final schedule for examination on December 18-19 is available on studentweb and also on the list posted outside the department office on the 7th floor.

Publisert 28. nov. 2007 11:15

The final curriculum requirements for the exam (endelig pensum) can be found under "Pensum/l?ringskrav" in the menu on the left.

Publisert 20. nov. 2007 15:07

At the last lecture on November 28 I will draw up the list with order of examination during the two exam days.

Publisert 26. okt. 2007 12:37

The dates for the oral exam have been fixed for 18-19 December. If one of these days is not good for you (e.g. due to another exam) please communicate it to me by e-mail. I will try to accommodate all reasonable wishes.

Publisert 24. aug. 2007 12:35

The information about "pensum" or curriculum requirements for this course has been updated, see the link "Pensum/l?ringskrav" on the left.

Publisert 12. juni 2007 17:17

Alle som tenker p? ? f?lge undervisningen i dette kurset bes m?te p? den f?rste forelesningen tirsdag 21 august for ? diskutere endringer i ukeplanen (bl. annet passer onsdagstiden d?rlig) Vi vil stort sett f?lge framdriftsplanen fra 2005 og 2006 ,