
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.01.2010Terje Sund (TS)? B62? Section 2.2 in "Analysis Now" by G. K. Pedersen? Baire's Theorem, The Open Mapping Theorem, The Closed Grapf Theorem. The Principle of Uniform Boundedness.

Partially and linearly ordered sets. Nets, Zorn's Lemma. Minkowski functionals.

Exercises for January 27:

E 2.2.1, E 2.2.4, and

Exercise 1:

Let X be the vector space C'[0,1] of all continuously differentiable functions on [0,1] with the sup norm. Let Y = C[0,1], also with the sup norm. Define D: X –> Y by (Dx)(t) = x'(t), for all t in [0,1]. Show that D has closed graph but is not bounded. Explain the result in view of the Closed Graph theorem.

Hint: See e.g. Thm. 7.17 in Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.?

19.01.2010TS? B62? Section 2.3. Dual spaces. ? The Hahn-Banach theorem for a real vector space with a given Minkowski functional.?
25.01.2010TS? B62? Sections 2.3 and 2.4.1-2.4.5 ? The Hahn-Banach theorem for a complex vector space with a given semi-norm.

Consequences of The Hahn-Banach extension theorem for vector spaces. Duality. The adjoint operator. (Topological vector spaces. Weak topologies induced from seminorms.)?

27.01.2010TS? B63? Sections 2.3.10-11, 2.4.1-2.4.5. Exercises: E.2.1, E 2.4, Exercise 1? Adjoint operators. Topological vector spaces. Weak topologies induced from seminorms.

Comments on E2.2.4?

03.02.2010TS? B63? Section 2.4.1-2.4.5? Weak topologies induced from seminorms. The Hahn-Banach separation theorem. (The weak- and weak*-topologies.)?
05.02.2010TS? B62? Sections 2.4. 2.5. Exercises: E 2.3: 1, 3, 7 (2,4,5)? More on linear functionals and the weak topology. Minkowski-functionals, seminorm, convex sets, and their relation to topological vector spaces.

Comments on E2.3.3?

10.02.2010 "? B63? Section 2.5.? Minkowski-functionals, seminorms, convex sets, and their relationship to topological vector spaces. Linear functionals on topological vector spaces are open maps. The Hahn-Banach separation theorem.?
12.02.2010"? B62? Section 2.4.8. Exercises: E 2.4: 1, 2 (,4, 6, 7)? The weak and the weak-star topology. Alaoglu's Theorem and a corollary to it: The w-star and the norm topology coincide on a normed space X if and only if dim(X) is finite.?
17.02.2010"? B63? Sections 2.4.10-2.4.12. Section 2.5? More on the weak and w* toplogies. Annihilators of linear spaces. Proof of Alaoglu's Theorem. (The Krein-Milman Theorem.) ?
19.02.2010"? B62? Section 2.5 up to 2.5.8(included). Exercises: 2.4: 4, 6,7? The Krein-Milman Theorem. (Catalogue of extremal boundaries.) E2.4.7 Solution?
24.02.2010"? B63? 2.5? The Krein-Milman theorem: The last part of the proof. Catalogue of extremal boundaries: Extreme points in the unit ball of the dual M(X) of C(X), X a compact Hausdorff space. ?
26.02.2010"? B62? Section 4.1. Exercises: E 2.5:1, 3, [5 b), c), d), (6, 7)]? Banach algebras ?
03.03.2010"? B63? Sections 4.2, 4.3? Unital Banach algebras. Spectrum, spectral radius. ?
05.03.2010"? B62? Sections 4.1.11, 4.1.12 (4.1.13). Exercises: E 4.1: 3, 4, 9 (not the question about the Volterra operator)? Holomorphic (analytic) functional analysis. The spectral radius formula. ?
10.03.2010"? B63? Sections 4.1.13, 4.2? The spectral radius formula (proof). The Gelfand Transform.?
12.03.2010"? B62? Sections 4.2, 4.3. Exercises: E2.5.5(c) [and (b)], E 4.1: 10 (,11)? The Gelfand Transform.?
17.03.2010"? B63? 4.2: 4-8, 4.3: 1-8? The Gelfand Transform: Examples.?
19.03.2010"? B62? Sections 4.3 : 9-12 . Exercises : E 4.1.11, E 4.2: 5,6? The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. C*-algebras. ?
24.03.2010"? B63? 4.3:1-4 ? The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem and its proof.


26.03.2010"? B62? 4.3: 9-19. Exercises: E 4.2: 5, 6, 10; E 4.3: 6.? C*-algebras?
31.03.2010-? -? -? Easter vacation. No lectures on March 31 and April 2.?
07.04.2010"? B63? 4.3: 14-19, ( 4.4: 1-7)? Classification of commutative C*-algebras. (Continuous functional calculus, Hilbert's Spectral Theorem - abstract form)?
09.04.2010"? B62? 4.3.15, Exercises: E 4.2: 10, E 4.3: 6, (9, 12)? Continuous functional calculus, Hilbert's Spectral Theorem - abstract form?
14.04.2010"? B63? 4.4? ?
16.04.2010"? B62? 4.5. Exercises: E 4.3: 12, 13 (14, 16)? ?
21.04.2010"? B 63? 4.5? The Spectral Theorem for the C*-algebra of all bounded Borel functions on the spectrum of a normal operator.?
23.04.2010"? B 62? 4.5, Exercises: E 4.3: The remaining part of 12, 16, (14, 9)? Projection valued measures/spectral measures. ?
28.04.2010"? B 63? 4.5: 7, 10, 11? The Spectral Theorem III?
30.04.2010"? B62? 4.5, 5.1. Exercises: 4.3: 16(remaining part), 14, 9? Unbounded operators: Domains, extensions, graphs.?
05.05.2010"? B63? 5.1, (5.2)? Unbounded operators: Domains, extensions, graphs. (The Cayley Transform.)?
07.05.2010TS? B 62? 5.2? The Cayley Transform?
12.05.2010TS? B63? 5.2? ?
14.05.2010TS? B62? 5.2? ?
Publisert 29. nov. 2009 14:38 - Sist endret 29. apr. 2011 12:21