I heard that some of you have trouble running ANSYS 12.1 (license problem). What you have to do is reset the licenseinformation. First give command "anslic_admin" in the command window. Then select "set license preferences for user #your usename#". Select so "version 12.1". Check the box "use academic licenses". Qiao Jie
Many of the students are not able to attend the lecture on Monday 8 November because of the Berlin-trip. Now I confirm that the lecture on Monday 8 November is moved to Thursday 11 November 14:15-17:00, B70.
Qiao Jie
The lectures on 8 and 15 November will be given by Qiao Jie Yang (email: qiaoy at He will also mark assignments 2 and 3.
I confirm that I shall lecture on composites in ANSYS on Thursday 28 October at 14:15. I also plan to lecture on Monday 1 November from 10:15 - 14:00, covering as much as possible of the first 2 lectures on sandwich structures and issuing the third assignment. Brian.
The lecture scheduled for Thursday 14 October is cancelled on medical grounds. I hope to be able to lecture as planned on Monday 18 October. With sincere apologies, Brian
The lecture on Monday 4 October will be Lecture 4 on laminate failure criteria. We shall also make a start on Lecture 5 on production methods. Both presentations are uploaded, together with a chapter from Zenkert & Battley on failure criteria.
The three Thursday lectures (30/9, 7/10, 14/10) will be held in B70, not B91 as previously announced.
The student representative (tillitsvalgt) for MEK4540 is Fredrik Jacobsen, email: fredjac at
The examination will be a 4-hour written examination, to be held on 9 December at 09:00-13:00.
The presentation from each lecture will normally be uploaded in pdf format to the course web page a few days before the lecture. Each file is password-protected - the password will be provided at the lectures.
The first lecture will be given on 23 August starting at 10:15