
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
25.08.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Introduction to spring and bar elements  Chapter1 contains mandatory assignment 1.

Chapter 1 in the compendium covers curriculum in sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 (for bars), 2.5 and 2.6 in the book by Cook et. al. 

26.08.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session - first mandatory assignment  The assignment may be found in chapter 1 of the compendium, linked to the first lecture 
01.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Introduction to energy methods and another detailed example  We look at bars again, this time using energy methods rather than equilibrium calculations. We also look at a typical bar frame in detail. Curriculum is Cook et. al. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4, as well as the Compendium 
02.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session - Work with exercises related to chapter 2 of the compendium   
09.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session  Exercises for chapter 2 
15.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Lecture  Basic continuum mechanics and an introduction to energy methods. Updated curriculum may be found here 
16.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session  Examples on energy methods applied to bars and beams. Practical variational calculus examples. 
22.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Lecture  Energy methods and the Rayleigh Ritz metod. We work on chapters 3 and 4 in the compendium. Note that the lecture will last for 3 hours, from 12.00 to 15.00 
23.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session  We solve exercises from chapter 4 of the compendium 
29.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Lecture  We complete the work on chapter 4 of the compendium. Expect a new mandatory assignment from this chapter. Link to compendium is found here

Lecture notes for the frame example may be found here  

30.09.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session  Assistance on the mandatory assignment is given. 
06.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Lecture - Membrane elements  We study the constant strain triangle and the bilinear rectangle elements. We use generalised coordinates and natural coordinates to deduce element stiffness matrices in a global coordinate system. 
20.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session   
14.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Lecture - Membrane example  We deduce the stiffness matrix and load vector for a bilinear rectangular element using Matlab 
20.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Lecture - Tetrahedral and hexahedral elements  We study Tetrahedral and hexahedral elements using generalised coordinates and natural coordinates respectively. Lecture notes may be found at this link

Note that the material on axisymmetric analyses are not included in the current curriculum. 

21.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session  I receive the current mandatory assignments and we start the work on the next mandatory assignment. 
27.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Interpolasjon. Naturlige koordinater. H?yereordens elementer. (Interpolation. Natural coordinates. Higher order elements.)   Kapittel 8 inneholder ?ving 8.

L?sningsforslag til ?ving 8.

Chapter 8 contains exercise 8.

(Suggested solution to exercise 8.) 

28.10.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session   
03.11.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Geometrisk avbildning og skjeve elementer. Numerisk integrasjon. H?yereordens elementer. (Geometric mapping. Numerical quadrature. Higher order elements.)   Kapittel 9 inneholder ?ving 9. ?ving 9 utgj?r obligatorisk ?ving 4 og 5.

Chapter 9 contains exercise 9. Exercise 9 is mandatory assignment 4 and 5.

(Suggested solution to exercise 9.) 

04.11.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session   
10.11.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Assemblering av systemmatriser. Generelle bi-betingelser (randkrav). Statisk kondensering. Superelement/substruktur teknikk. (Assembling system relations. Constraint equations. Static condensation. Superelement techniques.)   Kapittel 10 inneholder ?ving 10.

L?sningsforslag til ?ving 10.

Chapter 10 contains exercise 10.

(Suggested solution 

11.11.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Group session   
13.12.2010 Knut Vedeld  B70  Training for exams  Eksamen 1998

L?sning eksamen 1998 eller L1298.pdf

Eksamen 1999

L?sning eksamen 1999 eller L1299.pdf

Eksamen 2003

L?sning eksamen 2003

Eksamen 2004 med l?sning

Eksamen 2005 med l?sning

Eksamen 2006 med l?sning

Eksamen 2007 med l?sning 

Published Aug. 26, 2010 12:16 PM - Last modified Mar. 10, 2023 2:33 PM