20. mai 2009 12:13
All students will be told if their assignments are approved within Friday May 22. Those who delivered electronically will receive a mail, and those who handed in papers will find their assignments in the reception on the 7th floor of Niels Henrik Abels house. Those who do not get approved all assignments can hand in a second try within May 28 at 16.00.
29. apr. 2009 10:57
The exam will be on Tuesday 9th of June, and the due date for all mandatory assignments is Tuesday 19th of May.
3. apr. 2009 19:20
There will be no lecture and no group session on Monday 6 April.
16. mars 2009 09:58
The lecture today, 16.03.09, is cancelled.
12. feb. 2009 13:33
There will be oral exam in MEK4560 this spring. The date for the exam will be determined afterwards.
30. jan. 2009 14:46
After a vote performed in the last lecture, it has been decided that the exercises (group sessions) will take place on mondays, 08.15-10.00 in the room denoted C210 (which is in the Vilhelm Bjerknes' building).
21. jan. 2009 17:03
Slides for the lectures are available from the web page for the course as given in 2008, which can be reached here.