Digital exam Med5600 (Modul 6)
Controlled access to digital exam, learning outcome and learning goals
On Wednesday 22.06.16 students who want to look through the questions given at the exam (without the assessment guidelines) can meet at:
Meeting room Morgedal, 1. etasje, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Time: Between kl. 09.00 - 11.30 and between kl. 12.30 - 15.00
The learning outcome and learnings goals will be available in the room.
This requires no registration in advance, but you have to bring your own ID to check in. Students cannot copy or photograph the material as this would render the reuse of examination questions useless.
Controlled access to your own answer paper and the assessment guidelines
If you want see your own answers and the assess...
The Digital Examination 16th of June 2016 is held at Domus Medica in the reading rooms (lesesaler). Meeting point at Lesesal B
The room will be available to students until 7pm this evening.
Slide-collections are missing from the microscopy room/"Kurssal". It is strictly forbidden to remove the collections from this room , they are not for loan!
If the four missing boxes are not returned immediately, we will have to restrict the use of the room to the hours when supervision is available.
Please return the boxes!
Boxes are for loan in the library, where you may use them in the microscopy room. It is allowed, but unwise to take them out of the library, because more students then may have access to them.
Dear students,
It is two Things about Your logbook that you schould be aware of.
The first is the signature for summary course in paediatrics. In Your logbook there is a line for summary course in paediatrics, but this is not correct. There is only a summary course in obstetrics and gynecology.
The second is that there is unfortunately no place for the signature from pediatric outpatient clinic.
Dear students,
The deadline for handing in mandatory written record in paediatrics for approval is 31 May 2016. To those of you who have your last mandatory written record after this date, can deliver this as soon as possible in the first week in june.
Please remember that your mandatory written record in paediatrics, must be collected at the "Studenter" box in the basement at Ullev?l (mailbox in the reception area next to the outpatient clinic).
The written record is not fully approved before you have collected them.
Kj?re studenter,
Dere finner resultatet p? anatomitesten i Mine studier under testen 18. mai 2016.
Det er Helsedirektoratet: gir student/midlertidig lisens. Det f?r man etter avlagt og best?tt eksamen i modul 6.Lisensen skal v?re klar dagen etter eksamen. Dere /arbeidsgiver kan da s?ke opp HPR-nummeret i helsepersonellregisteret (HPR)
Studieseksjonen sender inn liste over studenter som kan f? midlertidig lisens til Helsedirektoratet, f?r og etter at sensur foreligger. Dersom noen stryker p? eksamen sender vi inn ny liste over de og den midlertidlige lisensen blir tilbakekalt inntil best?tt eksamen.
Sp?rsm?l rundt midlertidig lisens kan sendes til:
ved studieseksjonen.
Dear students in group 19-28,
Your microcourse 5 for group 19-28 is moved from 09:15 to 15:15 on the 18 May 2016. Your schedule is updatet.
Dear students,
For the journals you take at Ullev?l you can get Your signatures for this from the semestercoordinator at room B1.3097 at Rikshospitalet the following dates: 13 May 2016, 18 May 2016, 3 June 2016.
Before you can get this signature, you must remember your mandatory written record in paediatrics, must be collected at the "Studenter" box in the basement at Ullev?l. (mailbox in the reception area next to the outpatient clinic.
Remember taht the written record is not fully approved before you have collected them.
Eldbj?rg Wessel Hansen
S?knadsfristen for ? s?ke tilrettelagt undervisning er 15. mai:
S?knader som kommer etter fristen vil bli avsl?tt selv om kriteriene er tilstede....
Dear students,
Please note that it will be held a summary in Pathology by Cecilie Alfsen on Thursday 9 June from 16.15 in Kurssalene at RH.
Kurssalene is also booked for you for practice at the following dates and times:
Monday 6 June to Friday 10 June 2016 from 14.00-18.00.
Please remember to clean up Kurssalene after you and to turn of the Microscopes.
5 microscopes are in the media room in the library at Rikshospitalet, free to use in the opening hours. Boxes are found there as well.
Kj?re modul 6 studenter,
Disseksjonssal 2 er reservert til dere fra kl. 08.00 til kl.18.00, den 10.,11. og 12. mai, slik at dere har muligheten til ? ?ve f?r testen.
How to prepare for the seminar:
- please bring with you an internet-enabled device
- the suggested literature is posted on your schedule (TP)
- you can already send you questions on our etherpad
Dear Exchange-students,
To those of you that have not already got an ID-card at Ahus:
Tack the appropriate date and time for your attendance at the id-card session, and return to
Thursday April 14. At 14.00
Monday April 18. At 14.00
Monday April 15. At. 14.00
Thursday May 12. At 14.00
Monday May 30. At 14.00
You will receive a receipt, and instructions.
Ketil St?rseth
Educational Advisor
Akershus University Hospital Trust
Dpt. Of Competence and Education
Tlf: (679) 68608
E-Post: <>
Web: <>
Dear students,
Before you have KBL-Menopause it is very important that you read and prepare for the KBL-session.
You must read the following documents:
KBL-Menopause_Kj?replan og kasus AK- english
You will find these documents in My studies under the KBL session: Menopause
New WEB page with information about digital exam is now available here in english:
Dear students,
An information about examination in Module 6 will be held Wednesday 4 May 2016, from 16.00-16.45.
The information will be held in Gr?nt auditorium Rikshospitalet.
You will find this in your schedule in My studies.
Dear students,
Regarding the teaching and the assignment in Global health.
In My studies under "FOR: Introduction and information about mandatory presentation in Global health" Monday 8 February, you will find information about the assignment.