
Published Feb. 3, 2016 2:01 PM

Vi viser til beskjed av 22.1.2016 om innsyn i egen besvarelse og sensorveiledning.

NB! Det kreves p?melding. De som ?nsker ? f? innsyn M? melde seg p?.

Published Jan. 25, 2016 11:48 AM

Hvis du ?nsker ? vite poengsummen din etter eksamen kan du f? oppgitt denne p? MED-studieinfo p? Domus Medica i deres ?pningstid. Du m? legitimere deg for ? f? oppgitt din poengsum, s? husk legitimasjon!

Du kan ogs? sende en e-post fra din student e-postadresse til for ? f? vite din poengsum. Husk ? skrive hvilken eksamen du har tatt. Poengene vil v?re tilgjengelige p? studentinfosenteret fra 25.01.2016 og fram til 15.02.2016.

Published Jan. 22, 2016 3:16 PM

Dear 9th semester student

The results from the MEDSEM9-exam are now available on the StudentWeb.

The incoming students wil receive grades for each subject via email.


Published Jan. 22, 2016 1:35 PM

hvis du ?nsker innsyn i din egen besvarelse og sensurveiledningen, er dette mulig etter at sensuren er publisert. Sensuren publiseres fredag 22.01.2016 og dagene som er satt opp til innsyn er onsdag 03.02.2016 og onsdag 10.02.2016.

Sted: M?terom Undredal, 1. etasje, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Tid: Mellom kl. 09.00 - 11.30 og mellom kl. 12.30 - 15.00

NB: Her kreves det elektronisk p?melding. Du kan melde deg p? fra det tidspunktet sensuren er publisert til og med mandag 01.02.2016. Ha kandidatnummeret ditt klart da dette m? oppgis ved p?melding.

Det er ikke tillatt ? ta bilde av dokumentene. Fotoutstyr (inkl. mobiltelefon) m? avleveres ved innregistrering.

Treningssett og psykometriske analyser

I henhold til e-post av 20.10.15 vil et treningssett (cirka 20 % av eksamenssette...

Published Jan. 19, 2016 10:26 AM

Onsdag 20.01.2016 kan de som ?nsker f? innsyn i hele eksamenssettet (uten sensorveiledningen). L?ringsutbyttebeskrivelsene og l?ringsm?lene vil ogs? v?re tilgjengelige.

Sted: M?terom Undredal, 1. etasje, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Tid: Mellom kl. 09.00 – 11.30 og mellom kl. 12.30 – 15.00

Det kreves ingen p?melding, men legitimasjon m? medbringes da denne sjekkes ved innregistrering.

Det er ikke tillatt ? ta bilde av dokumentene. Fotoutstyr (inkl. mobiltelefon) m? avleveres ved innregistrering.

Published Jan. 4, 2016 9:31 AM

Regarding the mandatory written record paediatrics at OUS

Those of you who has handed in Your mandatory written record in paediatrics, must remember collect them at the "Studenter" box in the basement at Ullev?l.

The written record is not fully approved before you have collected them.

Published Dec. 10, 2015 9:21 AM

You can now find the results of the Practical test in Pathology in My Studies under the test, Wednesday 9 December 2015.

Published Dec. 10, 2015 9:20 AM

You can now find the results of the Practical test in Pathology in My Studies under the test, Wednesday 9 December 2015.

Published Nov. 25, 2015 6:01 PM

Those of you who has Case Meeting presentation at Ullev?l, must send Your presentation to the responsible teacher for the Case Meeting. It is not possible to use a memory stick on this computer.

To find out who is the responsible teacher for Your case Meeting, please look at the list in the classroom on Monday or Tuesday.

Published Nov. 25, 2015 9:31 AM

Dear students,


Kurssalene is booked for you for practice before the test in Pathology at the following dates and times:


Thursday 3 December from 15:00-20:00

Friday 4 December from 15:00-20:00


Monday 7 December- all day from 08.00

Tuesday 8 December -all day from 08:00

Please remember to clean up Kurssalene after you and to turn of the Microscopes.

Published Nov. 25, 2015 9:24 AM

Dear students,

Please note that it will be held a summary before the practical test in Pathology on Tuesday 8 December from 16.30 in Kurssalene at RH.

Published Nov. 24, 2015 12:30 PM

You can now find the results of the Practical test in Anatomy in My Studies under the test, Tuesday 17 November 2015.

Published Nov. 24, 2015 9:57 AM

Dear students,


These are the attendance requirements in clinical small group teaching in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics:


Attendance requirements - Obstetrics and Gynecology:

Clinical Small Group Teaching and Courses are mandatory but a maximum absence of 20% is permitted.


Attendance requirements – Paediatrics

Clinical small group teaching is mandatory, but a maximum absence of 20% is permitted

Mandatory activities in Paediatrics that is NOT included in the 20% and where no absence is permitted:

One evening at the Paediatric Emergency, Oslo Kommunale Legevakt. No absence permitted.(only for OUS students)

Case meeting: Present one patient’s written medical history. No absence permitted (All students)"

One mandatory written record.  100% Mandatory (All students)"

Published Nov. 23, 2015 9:00 AM

Alle som var oppe til reseptpr?ven  18.11.2015 besto.

Vi minner om at pr?ven ikke er registrert som noen egen eksamen, og dermed ikke framkommer i karakterutskrifter eller i StudentWeb.

Published Nov. 9, 2015 9:30 AM

Dear students,

You can practice before the test in Anatomy from today, Monday 9 November to Friday 13 November from 08:30 -15:00, and Monday 16 November from 08:00-15:00.

Please notice that this depends on that the Dissection room are available

Published Oct. 30, 2015 1:57 PM

The Faculty has sent an e-mail to all students with important information about digital examinations.

Professor Per Gr?ttum has told, or will tell, the students that will be taking digital examinations this autumn about the new arrangement. 

The practical details of the new arrangement will be published on "My Studies" before each examination.

Published Oct. 26, 2015 2:34 PM

Norsk medisinstudentforening arrangerer midlertidig lisens m?te for 8. og 9. semester p? Rikshospitalet 5. november kl. 17-19 i Bl?tt Aud.

Published Oct. 21, 2015 1:30 PM

This Message is only to the OUS students and is regarding paediatrics

You have to deliver the the mandatory written record before the deadline, but it will take 1-2 weeks before you get a message about the results.

You will not get an signature for the approved mandatory written record in Your log book, and you shall therefore deliver Your logbook without this signature.

Please see the following page for more information about records in paediatrics:


Published Oct. 21, 2015 11:27 AM

Kj?re 9.semester,

Vi oppfordrer dere til ? delta i sp?rreunders?kelsen til Studiebarometeret/ NOKUT n?r det gjelder studieprogrammet deres.

Denne unders?kelsen skal ha blitt sendt ut til dere fra og med 13.oktober per e-post og SMS.

Alle studentene p? 2 og 5 ?ret inviteres til ? svare p? unders?kelsen om hvor forn?yd dere er med eget studieprogram.

Resultatene offentliggj?res p?

Unders?kelsen varer til 2.november.

Alle som svarer er med i trekningen av 10 gavekort p? 5000 kr.

Published Oct. 15, 2015 9:08 AM

Please submit your Log book when it is completed to Britt L?ken in room B1.3099 at Rikshospitalet from before the end of Friday 23 October 2015.

You must remember to sign for the Log book.

It is important to submit the Logbook so we can check your attendance for the first part of the semester in either Obstetrics & Gynaecology or in Pediatrics


Important! The deadline for handing in the records is the end of week 43 for students starting with paediatrics, and one week before the exam for those of you taking paediatrics in the second half of the semester.

Please see the following page for more information about records in paediatrics:

Published Sep. 10, 2015 1:29 PM

The Health Center rotation is now ready in “Mine studier” for all students at MEDSEM9.

Please find more information at

Kristin Aaknes