
Published Nov. 21, 2013 11:57 AM

Due to construction work in Eilert Sundt’s building some examinations will be held at Riksanlegget for tennis – Hasle tennissenter.

The address is Haslevangen 33 and public transportation is recommended. From the city center students can take metro line 5 towards Vestli and get off at Hasle station. Estimated walking time is 5-10 minutes from Hasle station to Riksanlegget for tennis (Hasle tennissenter).

Students are not allowed to park outside the building.

Exact place for the examination will be published in Studentweb 1-2 weeks before the examination date. Log into Studentweb and go to “Your status” and “Examinaitions” for your information.

If you do not find information about time and/or place for the examination, please contact Student affairs (SV-infosenter).

More information about examination.

Published Nov. 21, 2013 9:07 AM

Some of you asked for a note about Baye's rule so here it is:


I also was noticed that I did another small error in my solution notes for seminar 10. On the final page I have confused the pay-offs of the incumbent and the Challenger. SO I have written that hte weak never wants to deviate since 5>3 and 5>2, when it should have been 5>2 and 5>0.

Published Nov. 20, 2013 3:12 PM

I see from my notes that I have made an error on page 13 and 14 under the solution to problem 5 c.

I have mixed the q's and the p's. So switch out the q With the p.

Thus: P(S|U)=q and P(S|P)=p. Then it is in accordance with my drawing of the game. So on page 14:

P(S|U)=p= 0*0,5/0.5=0 and P(S|P)=q=1*0.5/0.5.

If any of you want to learn more about formally using Baye's rule, let me know and I will post a note on it.


Published Nov. 20, 2013 9:59 AM

As promised to the monday seminar participants here is the solution for problem 5 d).

As mentioned in class there are two similar pooling equlibria where both type 1 players choose UU since the choice of player 2 off equlibrium path is not important to keep player 1 from deviating.

Thus we have 1 equlibrium: {UU', AA', p=1/2, q>=1/3} and one {UU',AF', p=1/2, q<=1/3}.

This because there is no constraint on the beliefs off equilibrium path, neither because of the players strategies, nor ensure that player 1 does not want to deviate as he is better off at UA or U'A regardless of what player 2 does if prepared is observed.


I wish you all good luck at the exam.



Published Nov. 19, 2013 2:32 PM

It has been brought to my attention that I have been using a different set-up for testing the grim-trigger strategy than what is used in your lecture notes, and that some of you may have gotten a bit confused by that. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and have attached a note that explains that the method displayed in the lecture notes and the method used in my seminars are the same.


The key Message is that calculating the PV of two strategies and comparing them to figure out whether the player want to deviate is the same as comparing the short run gain of deviating to the long run loss of deviating.



Published Nov. 14, 2013 10:47 AM

I have uploaded my solution sketch for seminar 10 so that you can prepare before the seminar since exam time is getting close. There is also a solution on last years pages that may complement mine. This is the quick sketch I made first time I went through it so please notice me if there is any mistakes.


For those of you attending mondays at 14.15-16.00, please remember that the seminar is moved to auditorium 5 in ES, because others have booked the usual room.

And since there was so much of seminar 9 that were to be uploaded I uploaded the entire seminar. Sorry that it is written in pencil.It is readable on screen, but I don't know how it is if you print it.

And remember that Daniel will be available for questions tuesday 19. at 9-11 in room 1115.



Published Nov. 13, 2013 9:49 AM

On Tuesday (November 19) at 9-11 Daniel will be available for questions in room 1115.

Published Nov. 6, 2013 8:18 AM
Published Oct. 26, 2013 10:51 AM

Note that, as previously announced in seminar section, the seminar on  Oct 30. Wednesday from 10:15-12:00 is moved to Oct 28, from 16:15  to 18:00, Auditorium 6, ES building. See you on Monday, make sure to come prepared. 

Seminar Leaders


Published Oct. 22, 2013 1:30 PM

Note that there is an extra GT lecture on Thrusday October 24 at 10.15-12 in Domus Teologica Aud U40. The last lecture in the course is canceled.

Published Oct. 18, 2013 5:12 PM

Hi all,

I will hold my last seminar, i.e. # 6 next week. Some of the issues are a bit tricky and you may need to think quite carefully. In my view, you will most likely get the best out of the seminar sections IF you come well prepared. By well prepared, I mean: make sure to read the assigned sections of the text-book and attempt the seminar problems before you come to the sections. Here is the link to my brief sketch of suggested solutions and see you next week. Have a nice weekend. 



Published Oct. 16, 2013 10:53 PM

Hi all

here's for those of you who could not make it today:



Published Oct. 10, 2013 4:46 PM

Hi all,


here is the link to last year's exam which we will be covering on wednesday:



Published Oct. 9, 2013 4:12 PM

Note that there has been a schedule change for the seminar series. There will be no seminars during the week of 14-18 of October. The whole seminar series has instead been postponed by one week. Please look at the schedule link for the new dates.


Published Oct. 8, 2013 4:04 PM

Hi all

as promised I updated the section on Insurance to include everything that I was at pain to convey very clearly this morning.

See you all next week (wednesday 18:00). If you would like me to answer specific  questions regarding the material in the notes then please send them to me in advance so that I can organize myself.




Published Oct. 8, 2013 1:23 PM

Hi all

let me first of all apologize for the excellent job I most likely did at confusing you in the last 15 mins today. I will do my best to rectify this by sending a detailed pdf Version of what I did on the blackboard.

Also, just to remind you that the extra 'lecture' meant to give you an opportunity to come up With questions about the course/exam will be held next wednesday at 6 pm.



Published Oct. 4, 2013 5:41 PM

Hi all,

Here is the link to suggested solutions to seminar 4; and,

Here is the link to suggested solutions seminar 5. 

            Siv-Elisabeth and Torben

Published Sep. 18, 2013 12:23 PM

Hi all,

Here is the link to the suggested solutions. 


Published Sep. 17, 2013 12:24 PM

Hi all,

one of the students made me aware today of two typos in the proof of Lemma 2 in the notes. I will correct this tonight. The proof I gave on the blackboard did not have typos however.

Published Sep. 11, 2013 9:56 AM

Here is the link.

Published Sep. 9, 2013 5:27 PM
Published Sep. 4, 2013 3:55 PM

Hi all!

It has come under my attention that some of you were unable to read the message on 22 Aug and hence failed to attend any of the sections of first seminar. In general, I do not give solution keys for this course except, and ONLY, for this time. Here is the link.

Published Aug. 30, 2013 12:21 PM


The first seminar discussion is based on Q1, Q2, and Q3 from Adrien's notes. 


Published Aug. 23, 2013 3:51 PM

Next lecture, we will cover the material from Lemma 1 to around p.8 of the notes.

Published Aug. 23, 2013 3:46 PM

Hi all

I have asked for the lecture notes to be shifted to this page but until it is done, you can download them from the Autumn 2012 webpage. The lecutre notes are exactly the same.