One article has been removed from the syllabus:
Doyle, J. J., and Samphantharak, K. $2.00 Gas! Studying the effects of a gas tax moratorium, 2008. Journal of Public Economics, 92(3): 869-884.
The following articles have been added to the syllabus:
Dagsvik, J. D. and Str?m, S. Sectoral Labor Supply, Choice Restrictions and Functional Form, 2006. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21, 803-826.
Dahl, G. B., Kost?l, A. R., and Mogstad, M. Family Welfare Cultures, 2014. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129 (4): 1711-1752.
Kleven, H. J. and Schultz, E. Estimating Taxable Income Responses using Danish Tax Reforms, 2014. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(4), 271-301.
Some recommended readings have been added, but these are not mandatory....