P?g?ende og avsluttede masteroppgaver – Side 8

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
Query Interfaces and Search Technology 4. okt. 2017
R3: Random Robust Rust 7. okt. 2020
  • Christian Bergersen
Rapid DNA sequence comparison 3. okt. 2016
Rask sammenligning av DNA-sekvenser ved parallellisering 14. mars 2011
Redirected walking for open virtual spaces (How not to walk into walls) 18. okt. 2021
  • Rahel Jamal Gaeb,
  • Emil Magnar Kjenstad,
  • Halvor Kristian Ringsby
Reducing interference between Wi-Fi channels 5. okt. 2023
Replication policies for multimedia files in collaborative Wikipedia hosting 7. sep. 2011
Repository for multi-lingual learning material 1. okt. 2021
Reproducibility of research analyses performed on the command line 16. sep. 2013
Requirement Management in Global Open Source Software Projects 21. aug. 2017
Retroactively Parallelizing a Large Python System 6. juni 2011
Revealing hidden patterns in the three-dimensional structure of DNA 4. juni 2013
RoCE over PCI Express 15. sep. 2015
Role of Digital Personal Data (DPD) for Strengthening Healthcare Services Delivery 19. mai 2022
Routing in next generation networks-on-chip (many core chips) 3. juni 2011
  • Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen,
  • Samuel Rodrigo
SINLab: Motion prediction with machine learning 17. sep. 2024
Safer Refactorings 22. sep. 2014
Scalable overlays for pub-sub communication 14. mars 2011
Semantic Information Modelling with DNB 1. juli 2020
Short tandem repeats (STRs) in the genomes of cod and other fishes 25. okt. 2018
Smittesporing og sykdomsoverv?king post COVID-19 14. aug. 2023
Software Control Architecture for Smart Energy Mini-Grids 15. okt. 2018
Structural bioinformatics and phylogenetic study of the human AlkB homologs 11. sep. 2013
Supporting Aspects in a Planning-based Adaptation Middleware 14. mars 2011
Supporting WS-Eventing capabilities on resource-constrained devices using the DPWS standards 24. okt. 2013